by Brittany Chong
1. ISTE Standards for Students 2016
1.1. 1.Empowered learner: -students have advantages using technology to take an functional role in choosing,achieving and demonstrating expertise in learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.
1.2. 2. Digital citizen: -students understand the freedom, obligations and opportunities of living, learning and working in an conjoined digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical. .
1.3. 3. Knowledge constructor: -students evaluate a variety of resources using digital tools to build their knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make deep learning experiences for themselves and others
1.4. 4. Global Collaborator: -Students use digital tools to expand their perceptions and enhance their learning by sharing with others and working effectively in organizations locally and globally.
1.5. 5.Creative communicator: -students communicate clearly and show themselves creatively for a range of purposes using the platforms,tools, styles,formats and digital media appropriate to their ambitions
2. ICT Program of Studies
2.1. 1. Technology is best learned within the context of applications. Activities, projects and problems that replicate real-life situations are effective resources for learning technology.
2.2. 2.Communicating, inquiring, decision making and problem solving: -Students should learn the ability to use a variety of processes to critically assess information, manage inquiry, solve problems, do research and communicate with a variety of audiences and then apply their knowledge and skills in real-life situations.
2.3. 3. Foundational operations, knowledge and concepts: -Students should understand the nature and effect of technology, the moral and ethical use of technology, mass media in a digitized context, ergonomic and safety issues, and basic computer, telecommunication and multimedia technology operations.
2.4. 4. Processes for productivity: -Students should gain the knowledge and skills required to use a variety of basic productivity tools and techniques like text composition; data organization; graphical, audio and multimedia composition and manipulation; media and process integration; and collaboration through electronic means.
2.5. 5. ICT is about the new ways in which we can communicate, inquire, make decisions and solve problems. It is the processes, tools and techniques for gathering and identifying information, classifying and organizing, summarizing and synthesizing, analyzing and evaluating, as well as speculating and predicting.
3. ISTE Standards for students 2016 informs students that as a Digital citizen they must recognize rights, responsibilities and the freedom of living, learning ,working interconnected with a technologically advancing world that must take into account the importance of acting, and showing in ways that are safe ,legal and ethical. The ICT Program of studies confirms the relatedness of both ICT and ISTE Standards of students 2016 where it acknowledges that students must understand the essential effects technology has on the world and its moral and ethical uses. That should not be taken lightly whether it’d be mass media, or digital forms of communication, these are just some of the many safety issues that students must be mindful of .
4. For the ISTE Standards for teachers 2008 encourages teachers through their knowledge of concepts while teaching, learning and using technology they are able to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. In doing this it affirms ISTE Standards for students 2016 to be recognized from the Knowledge constructor: where the students explore a variety of resources that can be done using digital tools to gain knowledge, be creative and to become a deep learner who holds experiences for themselves and others.
5. ISTE Standards for Teachers 2008 advises teachers to take the role of a leader to facilitate technology use in classrooms not only to benefit their professional practices but also to show constructive ways of using digital tools and resources that enables students to gain skills,and techniques that help them in the processes for productivity in the ICT Program of studies.
6. ISTE Standards for Students 2016 and ICT Program of studies relate to one another through student-centered learning where the students manipulate technology by using it in a number of ways. The students have the control of inquiring and making decisions and developing their own skills. Developing innovation into real- world situations.
7. ISTE Standards for Teachers 2008
7.1. 1. Facilitate and inspires student learning and creativity: -ensures that teachers knowledge of concepts while teaching, learning and using technology are able to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity.
7.2. 2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessment: - teachers are to create, establish, evaluate provided with both resources and modern day tools to expand subject matter learning in topics taught in school to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes of their students.
7.3. 3. Model digital age work and learning: -Teachers do this in order to demonstrate knowledge, skills and work processes that show innovative professionalism in a global and digital society.
7.4. 4. Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility: -Teachers need to recognize local and global societal issues and obligations in an growing digital culture and advocate and present digital citizenship and responsibility.
7.5. 5. Engage in professional growth and leadership: -Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model, and lifelong learning through encouraging and showing constructive ways of using digital tools and resources
8. Learning and Technology Policy Framework
8.1. 1.Schools should use technology to support student-centred, personalized, and authentic learning for students.
8.2. 2.Teachers, administrators and other education professionals read, review, participate in, share and apply research and evidence-based practices to sustain and advance innovation in education.
8.3. 3.Education professionals develop, maintain and apply the knowledge, skills and attributes that enable them to use technology effectively, efficiently and innovatively in support of learning and teaching.
8.4. 4.Education leaders establish policy and governance structures, cultivate innovation and build capacity within the system to use technology in support of student-centred learning and system efficiencies.
8.5. 5.All students, teachers, administrators and other education professionals have access to appropriate devices, reliable infrastructure, high-speed networks and digital learning environments.
9. ISTE Standards for students 2016 propose one of the standards to being a creative communicator: is for students to communicate clearly and express themselves innovatively for many different purposes using platforms,tools, styles,formats and digital media that fits their goals, Being a creative communicator relates to Learning and technology framework as it is an advocate of having schools use technology to support student-centred, personalized, and authentic learning for students. Much like what was said in the ISTE Standards for students 2016 where these both coincide is that its intention is to have students being able to use multiple resources while still being able to achieve their own goals
10. In the ISTE Standards for teachers 2008 its is important for the teachers to become knowledgeable of local and global societal problems and obligations in an revolutionary digital culture and support and model digital citizenship and liability which connects to the ISTE Standard for students 2016 of being a Global Collaborator: where students use digital tools to expand their aspect and strengthen their learning by collaborating and connecting with others and working effectively in partnership locally and globally.
11. The ICT Program of Studies advises students learn technology best within the utilization and activities which are relevant to the student’s real life. The LTPF also encourages schools to use technology to support student-centred, personalized, and deeper learning for students. These work together in the sense that both want to create meaningful, purposeful learning styles for students.
12. LTPF policy and ISTE Standard for teachers 2008 both remind teachers using technology to provide a variety of learning experiences to their students constructively, in order to support learning and teaching. Not only advancing in their profession but also enhancing knowledge,skills, of their students
13. Teachers, students, administrators and other professionals have an optimal amount of access to digital devices in doing this they collaborate to become more knowledgeable and to advance innovation in education
14. In both the ISTE Standards for teachers and LTPF teachers must be knowledgeable about the use of technology in order to demonstrate to other users like students, colleagues,principles, etc new ideas about how to adapt technology for society.This allows a spark of innovation in the revolutionary world.