River Civilizations Mindmap

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River Civilizations Mindmap by Mind Map: River Civilizations Mindmap

1. Shang/Zhou

1.1. Geography & Agriculture

1.1.1. Silt

1.1.2. Yellow and Yangzi river

1.1.3. Plateau of tibet

1.1.4. Yellow sea

1.2. Religion

1.2.1. Worshipped Ancestors

1.2.2. Offered gifts to ancestors

1.2.3. Confucianism

1.2.4. Daoism

1.3. Social Structure & Family

1.3.1. Kings had the highest social status

1.3.2. Slaves had the lowest social status

1.3.3. Low % were of elite status

1.3.4. Wealthy members of the elite collected expensive things

1.4. Government & Leaders

1.4.1. Monarchy

1.4.2. Kings were surrounded by a court

1.4.3. Governors

1.4.4. Elite had free time

1.5. Economy & Trade

1.5.1. Isolated not much trading

1.5.2. Rivers kept them isolated

1.5.3. mountains, deserts, and hills kept them isolated

1.5.4. Himalayan mountains kept them isolated

1.6. Science & Technology

1.6.1. Bronze work

1.6.2. Precise calander

1.6.3. System of money

1.6.4. Time based on moon cycle

1.7. Arts & Education

1.7.1. Oracle bones

1.7.2. Great advances in bronze working

1.7.3. Highly decorative bronze

1.7.4. Huge stable structures

2. Sumeria

2.1. Geography & Agriculture

2.1.1. Swampy landscape

2.1.2. Fertile Crescent

2.1.3. Between Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

2.1.4. Grew wheat and barley

2.2. Religion

2.2.1. Polytheistic

2.2.2. Gods controlled all natural forces

2.2.3. Gods were like humans

2.2.4. Made temples for gods

2.3. Social Structure & Family

2.3.1. Men controlled Power and made Laws

2.3.2. Women kept the homes and cared for the kids

2.3.3. Only some upper class women recieved education

2.3.4. Some women were even priestesses in Temples

2.4. Government & Leaders

2.4.1. Priests were government leaders

2.4.2. War chiefs eventually became Kings

2.4.3. They were the first to create Dynasties

2.4.4. City-states

2.5. Economy & Trade

2.5.1. Traded materials based on their needs

2.5.2. They mostly traded in Southwest Asia

2.5.3. Woven textiles, metals, lumber and stone

2.5.4. Trade also helped develop social structures

2.6. Science & Technology

2.6.1. Developed a math system

2.6.2. Invented the wheel

2.6.3. First to perform basic surgery

2.6.4. Invented geometry

2.7. Arts & Education

2.7.1. Cunieform

2.7.2. Styuses

2.7.3. Made seals

2.7.4. Had Scribes record records