Nikita's map of choices.

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Nikita's map of choices. by Mind Map: Nikita's map of choices.

1. Vet

1.1. Age 5-14

1.2. High pay

1.3. High status

1.4. Dangerous job

1.5. Easy to find work

1.6. Emotionally hard work

2. Psychologist

2.1. Age 14-present

2.2. High pay

2.3. High status

2.4. Emotionally hard work

3. Writer

3.1. Age 15-present

3.2. Poor money

3.3. High status after death

4. Detective

4.1. Average salary

4.2. Age 13-present

4.3. Dangerous job

5. Scientist

5.1. Age 14-present

5.2. Poor money (In Ukraine)

6. Lawyer

6.1. Age 11-present

6.2. High Pay

6.3. High status

6.4. Hard to find work (In Ukraine)

7. Journalist

7.1. Age 14-present

7.2. Average salary

7.3. High status

7.4. Easy to find work