Technology Standards for Education

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Technology Standards for Education por Mind Map: Technology Standards for Education

1. Creative Communicator: Students are able to choose appropriate social and digital platforms in order to express and achieve their educational goals through communicating ideas and publishing content

2. Knowledge Constructor: Students create, curate and articulate a variety of knowledge to use as resources for themselves or other empowered learners

3. Learning and Technology Policy Framework

3.1. Student Centered Learning: Potential strategies to engage students in authentic, distinct and empowering learning through the use of technology

3.2. Professional Learning: Teachers and educational professionals learn, develop and administer the use of technology purposefully in support of learning

3.3. Leadership: Education leaders incorporate innovative and effective uses of technology to support learning within the educational system

3.4. Access, Infrastructure and Digital Learning Environments: Educational professionals have access to the necessary technology (devices, internet networks and digital learning environments) to support student centered learning

4. ISTE Standards for Students:

4.1. Empowered Learner: Students take an active and articulate role in achieving their learning goals through the use of technology and learning sciences

4.2. Digital Citizen: Students are aware of their rights and responsibilities within the digital world, acting in way that are moral and ethical

4.3. Global Collaborator: Students use digital platforms  to connect with others locally and globally to broaden their perspectives and enrich learning

5. ISTE Standards for Teachers

5.1. Facilitate Student learning: Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter and technology to advance and empower student learning through creative and innovative virtual or face to face environments

5.2. Design & Develop Digital Age Learning: Teachers are able to design personalized, custom learning experiences through resources and tools to maximize student centered learning

5.3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning: Teachers demonstrate knowledge and skills representative of an authentic and innovative professional existing in a digital community

5.4. Engage and Promote Digital Citizenship:  Teachers understand the digital responsibilty in global culture and communities and are able to demonstrate ethical behaviour in their professional practice

6. ICT Program of Studies

6.1. Communicating, inquiring, decision making and problem solving: the ability communicate, research, collaborate and solve problems with a variety of audiences in the digital community

6.2. Foundational operations, knowledge and concepts: the ability and responsibilty of understanding the nature of technology, the moral and ethical use of technology in a digitized community

6.3. Processes for productivity:  Students and teachers are able to demonstrate and maintain the knowledge and skills required to use a variety of basic productivity tools and techniques to achieve learning goals