Static Electricity Done by Stanley Tay (31) from 4Science1.

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Static Electricity Done by Stanley Tay (31) from 4Science1. by Mind Map: Static Electricity Done by Stanley Tay (31) from 4Science1.

1. Charges (+/-)

1.1. Positive Charge: When there is more protons than electrons, there will be a positive charge.

1.2. Negative Charge: When there is excess electrons, there will be a negative charge.

2. Coulomb (C) is the SI unit for charge.

2.1. Charge for a proton is +1.6 x 10^-19.

2.2. Charge for an electron is -1.6 x 10^-19.

3. Methods of Charging

3.1. By Induction

3.2. By Friction/Rubbing

3.3. By Conduction

3.4. To remove a charge

3.4.1. By Grounding

3.4.2. By putting object over a bunsen flame (if possible)

4. Electric Field

4.1. Electric Dipole

4.2. Field lines point outward from the positive charge.

4.3. Field lines go inward into the negative charge.

4.4. Like charges will repel (Positive and Positive or Negative and Negative).