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Sumeria by Mind Map: Sumeria

1. Social Structure and family

1.1. Many different levels of social structure

1.1.1. Majority of the Sumerians were farmers, artisans, and laboreres

1.1.2. At the top sat kings, priests, and their principal agents

1.2. Family Structure

1.2.1. Men held political power

1.2.2. Woman took care of the home and children

1.2.3. Few upper-class women received an education and served as priestesses in the temple

2. Government and leaders

2.1. Sargon's Empire

2.1.1. Sargon I was the Akkadian ruler

2.1.2. 2330 B.C Lasted 140 years

2.1.3. Sargon 1 created the first permanent army, conquering all of  Sumer and Northern Mesopotamia

2.1.4. Adopted Cuneifrom from Sumerians and used it to write their language

2.2. Babylonian Empire

2.2.1. King Hammurabi King Hammurabi became famous for his codes of laws

2.2.2. United all of Mesopotamia

2.2.3. Fell in less than two centuries

3. Science and Technoogy

3.1. Invented new technologies

3.1.1. Invented the wheel for pottery

3.1.2. Invented the plow

3.2. Invented new systems

3.2.1. Invented new math systems such as Geometry

3.2.2. Invented better irrigation systems

4. Geography and Agriculture

4.1. Fertile Cresent

4.1.1. Flat, swampy, with little rain

4.1.2. Had fertile soil to plant crops

4.2. Near the Euphrates river

4.2.1. River could overflow and wash away crops

4.2.2. Flows from turkey to the Persian Gulf

5. Religion

5.1. Social Status

5.1.1. Priests held a higher status

5.1.2. gods held the highest status

5.2. Polythism

5.2.1. gods were like humans gods could eat, drink, fall in love, marry, and fight

5.2.2. gods could bring rich harvests or raging floods

6. Economy and trade

6.1. Traded with other people

6.1.1. Long range trading routes first appeared in 3000 B.C.

6.1.2. Traded with the Harappan civilization in the Indus Valley

6.1.3. Exchanged woven textiles for metals, timber, and stone

6.2. Economy

6.2.1. Sumerian economy was based off of agriculture

7. Arts and Education

7.1. Enhanced artwork

7.1.1. Created arches, ramps, and columns

7.1.2. Used cylinder seals as a sign of ownership

7.2. Cylinder seals and small stone cylinders engraved all around with detail

7.3. Education

7.3.1. Most of the students were male

7.3.2. Education was for the wealthy

7.3.3. Education took place in the temple with the priest.

7.3.4. Most of the education focused on writing and grammar