Homer Hans Bryant – The Hiplet™ Ballerinas, the ballet disruptor

Homer Hans Bryant on "The Hiplet™ Ballerinas, the ballet disruptor" at the TEDx SanFrancisco conference 2016.

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Homer Hans Bryant – The Hiplet™ Ballerinas, the ballet disruptor por Mind Map: Homer Hans Bryant – The Hiplet™ Ballerinas, the ballet disruptor

1. Homer Hans Bryant

1.1. The Hiplet™ Choreographer

2. Rap Ballet

2.1. We are making kids think

2.2. Hip Hop & Rap

2.3. Keeping kids relevant on the road to success

2.4. Rap Ballet -> HIPLET

3. Hiplet is a new dance category

3.1. Certification process

3.2. Hiplet company

4. Providing tights matching your own color

4.1. Be You!