Theresia Gouw – How entrepreneurs can help the American Dream get its mojo back

Theresia Gouw on "How entrepreneurs can help the American Dream get its mojo back" at the TEDx SanFrancisco conference 2016.

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1. Theresia Gouw

1.1. Aspect Ventures Founding partner

2. Recharge the American Dream

2.1. True meaning of "The American Dream" by James Truslow Adams

2.2. How can we entrepreneurs help?

2.3. Growth is required for opportunity

2.4. Silicon Valley is a magnet for talent

3. There is still an Opportunity for everyone here

3.1. No matter your background

3.2. Find the things that make us the same

3.2.1. Shared dream and passion for great teams, products and achievements

3.3. Power of entrepreneurs to create growth

3.4. B = Asian F in school, there's not even an Asian name for C

4. Everyone has a different version of the American Dream

4.1. Work as hard as you can

4.2. Take advantage of the opportunity in front of you

4.3. Everyone fails

5. Common Believes of Entrepreneurs

5.1. All amazing founders share the same believe

5.2. They are building a company because they believe that what they are doing will the world a better place

5.3. We love to look at data to grow faster

5.4. Build "User Experience" for our Teams

5.4.1. Draw in more of the great talent out there

6. Why Change Now?

6.1. Venture Capital is only 0.5% of U.S. investement

6.1.1. VC provides jobs to 1 out of every 10 Americans

6.2. "Companies with female CEOs tend to out-perform the S&P 500."

7. We are all dreamers!