Mary Lou Jepsen – The Science of Visible Thought and Our Translucent Selves

Mary Lou Jepsen on "The Science of Visible Thought and Our Translucent Selves" at the TEDx SanFrancisco conference 2016.

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Mary Lou Jepsen – The Science of Visible Thought and Our Translucent Selves создатель Mind Map: Mary Lou Jepsen  –  The Science of Visible Thought and Our Translucent Selves

1. Mary Lou Jepsen

1.1. Founder, CEO Open Water Ex Executive Director of Engineering Facebook, Oculus

2. Problem: MRI is way too big and expensive

2.1. The body is translucent to, but scatters, near-infrared light

2.2. Research Groups have made progress

2.3. Holography is the key to imaging in true-3D volumes

2.4. Computer generated holography needs high resolution

3. Solution: Use holographic LCD

3.1. Blood absorbs light

3.2. Finding tumors, internal bleedings

3.3. Scanning brain

4. OpnWatr is making new systems

4.1. E.g. Fabric lined with flexible LCDs

4.1.1. With the functionality of MRI in a wearable

4.1.2. Bandage

4.1.3. Skihat

4.2. Brain Activity reading for extracting thoughts

4.3. MRI resolution for clinical depression

4.4. Costs like Consumer Electronics

5. Using this technology to help millions of people like Stephen Hawking

5.1. Prototype next year!