Anthony Iton – Change the odds for health

Anthony Iton on "Change the odds for health" at the TEDx SanFrancisco conference 2016.

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Anthony Iton – Change the odds for health by Mind Map: Anthony Iton  –  Change the odds for health

1. Health: Your zip code is more important than your genetic code

1.1. Find out how long you will live!

2. Death Certificates with 4 pieces of data

2.1. Leading to life expectancy data

2.2. Areas in East Baltimore where people only get 58 years old

2.3. What's happening in this low life areas?

2.4. No Social, Economic, Physical, Services, Political context in this area

2.5. Chronic Stress is as lethal as a knife or a gun

3. We are creating a whole new approach to health in California

3.1. We don't want to be fed from the school to prison pipeline


3.3. 50,000 resident leaders

3.4. People organize to get clean water, remove trucks going through living areas, prevent crimes,...

4. Anthony Iton

4.1. California Endowment Senior VP for Healthy Communities

5. Canada has a strong social compact with its citizens

5.1. Universal Health Care

5.2. Universal Child Care Benefit

5.3. Paid vacation and guaranteed sick leave

5.4. ...

5.5. Canada invests into its citizens

6. Went to East Baltimore

6.1. Is the U.S. really a first world country?

6.2. What would have happened to me if I grew up in East Baltimore?

6.3. What is the American Social Compact?

6.4. Where's the so called "American Dream"

6.5. Absence of hope in kids eyes

6.6. No idea what is happening outside the safe walls of "John Hopkins"