Ebony Crawford

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Ebony Crawford by Mind Map: Ebony Crawford

1. Personality Spectrum

1.1. My Moderate Tendencies

1.1.1. Organizer

1.1.2. Adventurer

1.1.3. Giver

1.1.4. Thinker

2. Top Values

2.1. Knowing Yourself

2.2. Pursuing an Education

2.3. Spiritual/Religious Life

3. My Successful Intelligence

3.1. Analytical Skills: 27

3.2. Creative Thinking Skills: 29

3.3. Practical Skills: 31

4. Emotional Intelligence

4.1. Personal Fulfilment, Well-being: 6

4.2. Commitment, Creativity, Humor/Fun: 5

4.3. Accountability, Independence: 4

4.4. Being the Best: 3

4.5. Listening: 2

4.6. Control: 1

5. O*NET

5.1. Enterprising: 29

5.2. Investigative, Conventional: 13

5.3. Artistic: 9

5.4. Realistic: 4

5.5. Social: 3

6. My Intelligences

6.1. Higher

6.1.1. Verbal-Linguistic

6.1.2. Logical-Mathematical

6.1.3. Intrapersonal

6.2. Moderate

6.2.1. Musical

6.2.2. Interpersonal

6.3. Under Developed

6.3.1. Bodily-Kinesthetic

6.3.2. Naturalistic

7. Preferred Teaching Styles

7.1. Lectures

7.2. Logical/Detailed Presentations

7.3. Visual Focus

7.4. Small groups

8. Preferred Study Methods

8.1. Re-reading Notes

8.2. Highlighting

8.3. Group Study Sessions

8.4. Flashcards

9. BE: Psychological Preferences

9.1. Analytic: Strong

9.2. Global: Strong

9.3. Reflective: Moderate

9.4. Impulsive: Strong