Student Assessments:   Karey Fishburn

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Student Assessments:   Karey Fishburn by Mind Map: Student Assessments:   Karey Fishburn

1. High-Stakes Assessments

1.1. Definition and Purpose

1.2. Advantages and Disadvantages

1.3. Of Learning or For Learning?

1.4. Elementary ESL Example

1.5. Rationale

2. Peer Assessments

2.1. Definition and Purpose

2.2. Advantages and Disadvantages

2.3. Of Learning or For Learning?

2.4. Elementary ESL Example

2.5. Rationale

2.6. Video

3. Self Assessments

3.1. Definition and Purpose

3.2. Advantages and Disadvantages

3.3. Of Learning or For Learning?

3.4. Elementary ESL Example

3.5. Rationale

3.6. VIdeo

4. Authentic Assessments

4.1. Definition and Purpose

4.2. Advantages and Disadvantages

4.3. Of Learning or For Learning?

4.4. Elementary ESL Example

4.5. Rationale

5. Portfolio Assessments

5.1. Definition and Purpose

5.2. Advantages and Disadvantages

5.3. Of Learning or For Learning?

5.4. Elementary ESL Example

5.5. Rationale

5.6. Video

6. Diagnostic Assessments

6.1. Definition and Purpose

6.2. Advantages & Disadvantages

6.3. Of Learning or For Learning

6.4. Elementary ESL Example

6.5. Rationale

7. Summative Assessments

7.1. Definition and Purpose

7.2. Advantages and Disadvantages

7.3. Of Learning or For Learning?

7.4. Elementary ESL Example

7.5. Rationale

7.6. VIdeo

8. Performance-Based Assessments

8.1. Definition and Purposes

8.2. Advantages and Disadvantages

8.3. Of Learning or For Learning?

8.4. Elementary ESL Example

8.5. Rationale

9. References

10. Formative Assessments

10.1. Definition and Purpose

10.2. Advantages and Disadvantages

10.3. Of Learning or For Learning?

10.4. Elementary ESL Example

10.5. Rationale

10.6. Listening & Speaking ELLs