Developing Unit Plan by Jyldyz Byler Art - Grade 3
by Jyldyz Byler
1. The Student Will create, produce, and complete various works of art using an assortment of art materials and tools using some of the elements and principles of art into various artworks.
2. Lesson Plan 1 Shapes
3. Objectives
4. Apply visual elements and principles of art to create artwork.
5. To evaluate own work using the four steps of art criticism
6. To plan and create a still-life painting using simple geometric and free-form shapes.
7. Student with different level of readiness
8. Student with different level of readiness
9. Students with different level of readiness
10. Scaffolding Strategy: Cooperative Learning
11. Modeling as a scaffolding technique
12. Scaffolding Strategy: Metacognitive Modeling
13. Scaffolding Strategy: Student-Centered Learning
14. THE BIG IDEA IS THE ELEMENTS AND PRINCIPLES OF ART : Identify and analyze, describe, and apply.
15. Example of Modeling techniue
16. Tap into Prior Knowledge
17. Show and Tell
18. Lesson Plan 2 Lines
19. Objectives
20. To identify the five different kinds of lines and their expressive qualities.
21. To plan and create a weather scene using lines to express a feeling or mood.
22. To evaluate own work using the four steps of art criticism.
23. Studenswith different level of readiness
24. Student with different level of readiness
25. Students with different level of readiness
26. Visual Scaffolding
27. Scaffolding Strategy: Graphic Organizer
28. Scaffolding Strategy: Metacognitive Modeling
29. Pre-Teach Vocabulary
30. Pause, Ask Questions, Pause, Review
31. Think - Pair -Share
32. Tap Into Prior Knowledge
33. Graphic Organizers
34. Graphic Organizer Examples Elements of Art
35. Intentional Small Group/ /Partner Work