Place-Hambi project

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Place-Hambi project by Mind Map: Place-Hambi project

1. Comprised :

1.1. high-resolution augmented stereoscopic panoramas

1.1.1. stereographic capture of landscape

1.1.2. ambisonic capture of sound

2. A virtual theater of participation in Hindu mythology focused in the most significant site of Vijayanagara (Hampi), South India

2.1. historic site

2.2. touristic site

2.3. active pilgrim site (priests, rituals in temple)

3. Advantages

3.1. promotion of dialogue

3.2. activation of contained knowledge

3.3. participation of the viewer/s in the drama of Hindu mythology

4. Process

4.1. Data capture-fieldwork 8-10 day period in 2006

4.2. Stereopanoramic photography

4.2.1. VR camera Nikon 35 mm and 20mm lenses on 220 film fujichrome ASTIA 17 from 200 panoramas shot at Hampi were used

4.3. Ambisonic sound recording

4.4. close work with archaeologists-supplies by local violinists, dancers

5. Demonstrators:

5.1. Stage 1: single user (applied for the first time in Lille France-2006)

5.1.1. motorized platform

5.1.2. cylindrical screen

5.1.3. prerendered animations of Hindu Gods

5.1.4. one user rotates scene/image 360 degrees

5.2. Stage 2: multi-user (expected application in Museum Victoria-Melbourne 2008)

5.2.1. multi-user stereographic enviroment

5.2.2. cylidrical screen :10 m diameter. 3.6 m. high, 80 cm doorway

5.2.3. 12 SXGA projectors

5.2.4. 6 dual XEON Window's pc-to drive the projectors

5.2.5. 24 high quality loudspeakers

5.2.6. 12 infra-red cameras

5.2.7. 12 flood lights

5.2.8. tracking systems:movement and gestures