CALA -  /ka-la'/  Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach

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CALA -  /ka-la'/  Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach by Mind Map: CALA -  /ka-la'/  Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach

1. Content-Based Curriculum in CALLA

1.1. Content should be taught as experiences through activities not merely as facts

1.2. New information needs to be linked to students prior knowledge.

1.3. Use appropriate technical vocabulary, providing paraphrases, definitions, and examples to clarify meanings.

1.4. Model higher-order thinking skills using questioning

1.5. Use graphic organizers or schematic representations of information

1.6. Teacher constantly monitors student's comprehension AND teach students to monitor their own comprehension

2. Academic Language Development in CALLA

2.1. Teachers should model academic language appropriate to the content topic

2.2. Have students identify academic language

2.3. Provide practice in listening to content language and opportunities for using it through cooperative activities

2.4. Have students read and write in EVERY content subject

2.5. Teach students learning strategies to help with language acquisition.

3. Overview of CALLA

3.1. Language development

3.2. Content area instruction

3.3. Explicit instruction in learning strategies

4. Framework

4.1. Active & dynamic process

4.2. Knowledge of facts, "how to", and relating learning to past knowledge

4.3. Declarative & procedural knowledge

4.4. Students take control of own learning

5. Instructional Concepts

5.1. Language across curriculum

5.2. Language experience approach

5.3. Whole Language

5.4. Process writing

5.5. Cooperative Laarning

5.6. cognitive instruction