Enforcing Dystopias

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Enforcing Dystopias by Mind Map: Enforcing Dystopias

1. 1984

1.1. Hierarchical Distrubution

1.1.1. Majority of citizens belong to the prole working class.

1.1.2. Prole working class is kept really weak

1.1.3. The party has full control over the population

1.1.4. Working class depends on The Party to survive

1.1.5. Uncapable of challenging The party

1.1.6. Hierarchies clearly establish the dominance of the Party

1.2. No privacy, absolute surveillance

1.2.1. Revolutionary thoughts are instantly censored

1.2.2. No unity and conspiracies can form

1.2.3. Citizens acused of thoughtcrime are captured

1.2.4. Surveillance is ever-present

1.2.5. Cover agents make all citizens suspect of each other

1.2.6. Schedules and prohibited relationships also inhibit unity

1.3. Psychological Manipulation

1.3.1. Citizens are dehumanized, independent thought is eliminated

1.3.2. Party controls and manipulates thoughts of citizens

1.3.3. Strong use of propaganda

1.3.4. Media is censored and controlled

1.3.5. Information is altered

1.3.6. Citizens are programmed to think whatever the party wants, doublethink is achieved.

1.3.7. Newspeak limits freedom of thought

2. The Hunger Games

2.1. Districts have limited resources

2.1.1. Resources used to feed the Capitol

2.1.2. Limited resources are left for the districts

2.1.3. Population is poor, week and starving

2.1.4. It is unable to fight

2.1.5. Technology is limited

2.1.6. Population is too busy struggling to survive

2.2. The Capitol keeps all districts isolated

2.2.1. Dirstricts are isolated to prevent unity

2.2.2. Confrontation in the games makes districts oponents

2.2.3. No cooperation between districts makes revolution impossible

2.3. Psychological terrorism keeps districts suppressed

2.3.1. Agents are violent and deployed in all districts

2.3.2. Crimes are penalized with death

2.3.3. Death is publicly showcased

2.3.4. People with revolutionary thoughts are killed

2.3.5. Districts are threatened by complete annihilation

2.3.6. Citizens threatened by The Hunger Games

2.3.7. Media is heavily controled

3. Elysium

3.1. Citizens are not capable of leaving Earth

3.1.1. Population is oppressed by poverty, hunger, disease, severe working conditions

3.1.2. Earth population is kept weak and underdeveloped

3.1.3. Citizens are under constant surveillance

3.1.4. Crimes are violently punished by the humanoid police

3.2. Military action is used to eliminate revolutionary individuals

3.2.1. Military strength is used to destroy any intruder

3.2.2. Military supremacy is used to maintain Elysium's dominance over the Earth.