Major Events of World War II

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Major Events of World War II by Mind Map: Major Events of World War II

1. European Theater

1.1. Eastern front

1.1.1. Operation Barbosa 6/22/1941 - Germans conduct plan to cut off Russia's communications

1.1.2. Battle of Berlin Mid-April, 1945 - Soviets invade Berlin resulting in allied victory and end of European Theater

1.1.3. Battle of Stalingrad Dec. 1942 - Russia holds out against german forces through aid of russian winter

1.2. Western front

1.2.1. Invasion of Italy 3-17 sept. 1943 - Allied victory of invading Italy through the sea

1.2.2. Invasion of Poland True start of the war - Axis + soviet union win 1st sept. 1939

1.2.3. Invasion of France 10 May, 1940 - German blitzkrieg of France resulting in axis victory and taking France out of the war

1.2.4. Invasion of Normandy (D-Day) 6/6/1944 - Allied invasion of France - Largest invasion in recorded history

2. Africa Theater

2.1. Operation Torch

2.1.1. 11/8/1942 - Allied forces pincer Germans and Italians by landing in north Africa

2.2. Tunisian Campaign

2.2.1. Allied forces blitz through Tunisia

2.2.2. Concluded War - Allied Win

2.3. Invasion of Egypt

2.3.1. 8/8/1940 Italian forces invade egypt- axis win

3. Pacific Theater

3.1. Attack on Pearl Harbor

3.1.1. 12/7/1941 - Japanese catch Americans by surprise - axis win

3.2. Battle of Midway

3.2.1. 6/4/1942 - Decisive american victory after losing terrible for first 6 months

3.3. Battle of Coral Sea

3.3.1. 5/5/1942 - first victory for allies in pacific theater

3.4. Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

3.4.1. 8/6 and 8/9 of 1945 - Americans use first nuclear bomb in warfare - Japanese surrender

3.5. VJ day

3.5.1. 2nd of september 1945 japan officially surrenders, ending WWII