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SDS by Mind Map: SDS

1. Publisher

1.1. Point 1

1.2. Point 2

1.3. Point 3

2. Destinations

3. Insight Management

3.1. A

3.2. B

3.3. C

4. Network Scorecard

4.1. b

5. Mobile Scorecard

5.1. a


6.1. A

6.2. B

7. Ad Unit Cube

7.1. A

8. Advertiser Mix

8.1. A

8.2. B

9. UCM

9.1. UCM Monthly Data Feed

9.2. UCM Weekly Data Feed

10. Tool Provider

10.1. A

10.2. B

10.3. C

11. Smart Pricing

11.1. Problem 1

11.2. Problem 2

11.3. Problem 3

12. Product Marketing

12.1. Idea 1

12.2. Idea 2

12.3. Idea 3

13. Tool Provider

13.1. Global All Up Tool Provider Customer and Spend Monthly

13.2. Global All Up Tool Provider Revenue Monthly

13.3. Global All Up Tool Provider YBN Performance Comparison Monthly

13.4. Global Tool Provider Advertiser Spend Monthly

13.5. Global Tool Provider Feature Adoption Monthly

13.6. Global Tool Provider Feature Revenue Under Influence Monthly

14. Auction Insight

15. Bing Translation

15.1. A

16. Conversion Cube

16.1. A

16.2. B

17. Flight Scorecard

17.1. A

18. CFP

18.1. A

18.2. B

18.3. C

18.4. D

18.5. E