The 6 Characteristics Of Life

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The 6 Characteristics Of Life by Mind Map: The 6 Characteristics Of Life

1. All living things must be able to give energy/metabolize.

1.1. Metabolizing is basically all the chemical activities that allow an organism to live, grow, and reproduce.

2. All living things must be able to adapt to their surroundings

2.1. One example of adaptation could be adapting to the climate of an area.

2.2. Another example of adaptation could be adapting to a new species in the area.

3. All living things must be made up of cells.

3.1. The center of a cell is called a nucleus.

3.2. Plant cells contain a substance called cytoplasm.

4. Some organisms move differently like with a cilia or a flagella.

5. All living things must be able to move.

6. All living things must be able to grow and develop.

7. All living things must be able to reproduce.

7.1. They could reproduce asexually (1 parent).

7.1.1. They could reproduce sexually (2 parents).