Humant Resource Managment By Adler Zamora A01630908

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Humant Resource Managment By Adler Zamora A01630908 por Mind Map: Humant Resource Managment By Adler Zamora A01630908

1. The design and application of formal systems in an organization to ensure the effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish organization goals

2. Goals of Human Resource Managment

2.1. 1.- Find the right people 2.-Manage Talent 3.-Mantain an efective workplace

2.1.1. Finding the right people: Human resource plannig, Forecasting. Recruiting & Selecting

2.1.2. Manage Talent: Training, Development & appraisal

2.1.3. Mantain an efective workforce: wages and salary, benefits, labor relations & termination

3. Performance appraisal

3.1. Obsering and assessing employeee performance, recording the assessment, and providing feedback to the employee

3.1.1. Improving performance appraisal techniques Keep better records Use rankings Multiple raters Behaviorally anchored rating scales

4. Stereotyping

4.1. When a rater places an employee into a class or category based on one or a few traits or characteristics

5. Halo effect

5.1. A manager gives an employee the same rating on all dimensions, even if the performance fluctuates

6. Ethnocentrism

6.1. The belief that ones own group of subculture is superior to others

7. Glass ceiling

7.1. An invisible barrier that exits for women and minorities that limits their upward mobility in organizations

8. Benefits of promoting diversity

8.1. Develop potential of individuals, able to recruit the best employes and successful interaction in marketplace

9. Human Capital

9.1. Economic value of combined KSAs of employes

9.2. Building human capital

9.2.1. Drives performance; reely on information, creativity, knowledge, skills, service

10. Federal legislation

10.1. Ensure equial opportunity; stop discrimination

11. Discrimination

11.1. Hiring/promotion/denial of applicants based on creiteria that are not relevant to the job

12. Find the right people; mantain an effective workforce, manage talent, drive organizational performance; provide competitive edge throuh its people; integrates strategy; builds culture

13. Affirmative Action

13.1. Requires that an employer take positive steps to gauruntee equal employment opportuninites for people within protected groups

14. New social contract

14.1. Based on the notion of employability and personal responsibility rather than lifelong employment by an organization

15. Human Resource Planning

15.1. The forecasting of HR needs and the projected matching of individuals with expected

16. Job Description

16.1. A clear and concise summary of the specific tasks, duties, and responsibilites

17. Job specification

17.1. Outlines the knowledge, skills, education, physical abilites, and other characteristics needed for the job.

18. Realistic job preview

18.1. Gives applicants all pertinent and realistic information -positive and negative- about the job and the organization

19. Internal Recruiting advantages

19.1. Candidates are familiar with the organization, its less costly and generates commitment/morale

20. External Recruiting

20.1. Brings new skills, ideas but there are no established personal relationships

21. Sexual harassment

21.1. Growing concern that is a violation of the civil rights act; quid pro qui; hostile work enviroment

22. Age discrimination in employment act (ADEA)

22.1. Illegal to discriminate anyone over the age of 40