Digital Citizenship and Web Awareness

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Digital Citizenship and Web Awareness by Mind Map: Digital Citizenship and Web Awareness

1. Respect/Digital Etiquette

1.1. Intellectual Property

1.1.1. Copyright

1.1.2. Fair Use

1.2. Yourself

1.2.1. Benefits of Social Media

1.2.2. Impacts of Pornography Pornography and Children

1.3. Others

1.3.1. Cyber Bullying How Parents (or Teachers) Should React

1.3.2. Flaming

1.3.3. Clarity of Communication

2. Digital Literacy

3. Other Concerns

3.1. Law & Security

3.1.1. Safety of Information

3.1.2. Copyright

3.2. In Loco Parentis

3.3. Digital Commerce

4. Ethics

4.1. Identity

4.1.1. Being Real

4.1.2. Anonymity

4.2. Privacy

4.2.1. Digital Footprint Lesson Plan: Trillion Dollar Footprint Why should we care? Protecting Your Reputation Deciding Where and How Personal Information is Shared Preventing Financial Loss Preserving Your Freedom

4.2.2. Personal Publishing Considerations Location

4.3. Ownership

4.3.1. Copyright

4.3.2. Fair Use

4.4. Trustworthiness or Authenticity

4.4.1. Authority

4.4.2. Coverage

4.4.3. Objectivity

4.4.4. Accuracy

4.4.5. Currency

4.5. Participation

5. Defining Digital Citizenship

6. Research

7. Teacher Resources

7.1. Media Smarts Website

7.1.1. Educational Games

7.1.2. e-Tutorials and Workshops

7.2. Strategies

7.3. Lesson Plans

7.4. WebQuest Activity