In this culture traditionally spiritual practices include shamanism and ancestor veneration.  The...

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In this culture traditionally spiritual practices include shamanism and ancestor veneration.  These beliefs are combined with their beliefs related to health and illness. They do not separate their physical well being from their spiritual health. They believe that everything possesses a spirit.  The balance between the physical and spiritual world is viewed as very delicate and they look to their ancestors to guide them and protect them in both. Which culture is this? by Mind Map: In this culture traditionally spiritual practices include shamanism and ancestor veneration.  These beliefs are combined with their beliefs related to health and illness. They do not separate their physical well being from their spiritual health. They believe that everything possesses a spirit.  The balance between the physical and spiritual world is viewed as very delicate and they look to their ancestors to guide them and protect them in both. Which culture is this?

1. Dominican

1.1. The Roman Catholic church is the main religion in the Dominican Republic. However, the Catholic church began to lose popularity in the late 19th century due to lack of funding, priests, and support programs. This is when the Evangelical church grew in popularity.  There has always been religious freedom throughout the entire country.

2. American

2.1. In the United States is one of the most religious in terms of its demographics. There are many religions being practiced in America. Christianity is the highest percentage including Evangelical Protestant, Mainline Protestant, Historically Black Protestant, Roman Catholic, Mormon, and others. Non-Christian faiths include Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu.

3. Hmong

3.1. Correct! In the Hmong culture the male head of the household does the worshipping of the ancestral spirits. Women sometimes also take part in this role. Each person is thought to have 12 main souls that must remain in harmony to remain healthy. Each soul has a specific role. If you lose one it can cause serious illness. There are a number of rituals that are performed to maintain a persons souls.”

3.2. Somali

4. Somali

4.1. Mostly Somali people are Muslim. Although Somali women are initially excluded from these male dominated religious orders, there was an all female institution formed in the late 19th century which incorporated Somali traditions and Islam. The Somali community has produced a number of important Islamic figures over the centuries many of which have shaped the Muslim learning and practice in the Horn of Africa and beyond.