Y1U2 Inquiry Cycle Ideas

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Y1U2 Inquiry Cycle Ideas by Mind Map: Y1U2 Inquiry Cycle Ideas

1. Finding Out (What is new to learn?)

1.1. Pod Areas decorated like a Fire Station; Grocery/Shoe Shop; Pet Shot and Dr. Office

1.2. Crafts related to community jobs - handprint firemen, construction digger, hairdressers etc.

2. Sorting Out (How can I use my knowledge?)

2.1. Tools for the jobs - matching

3. Taking Action

3.1. Performing what we found out and know about the job we want to do.

4. Making Conclusions

4.1. Complete a Nearpod summative assessment of  how people help us in the community

5. Going Further (How can I expand my knowledge?)

5.1. Field trip to fire station

5.1.1. see community helpers in action

6. Tuning In (What do I think I know?)

6.1. Show the pre-assessment sheet with a Firefighter, cleaner, nurse and security guard. Annotate answers to 'what is their job?'

6.1.1. what does their job entail?

6.2. Guest speakers of community helpers- parents of students: Police Man, Pilot, Security Guard

6.3. iPad interviews from home - share/watch as a class