Roles and Responsibilities in a School

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Roles and Responsibilities in a School by Mind Map: Roles and Responsibilities in a School

1. Assistant Superintendent of Schools

2. School Trustees

3. Ministry of Education

4. School Board

5. Vice Principle

5.1. assist principle

5.1.1. daily functioning

5.1.2. this and that

5.2. blah blah blah

6. Teachers

6.1. teach studetns

6.2. be a role model

6.3. ensure students are learning the mandated curriculum

6.4. t

6.5. t

6.6. t

6.7. Types of Teachers

6.7.1. GYm Teachers

6.7.2. English Teachers

6.7.3. Specific Grade Teachers Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6

6.7.4. Social Studdies Teachers

6.7.5. Science Teachers Biology Chemestry Can't remebre them all

6.7.6. Math Teachers Caluculs Foundations Apprentiship and Workplace

6.7.7. Electives Art Woodshop Metalshop Autoshop Textiles Home Economics

7. Parents

7.1. get children to school on time

7.1.1. and pick them up on time

7.1.2. make sure they are to the bus stop on time if that is how they get to school

7.2. help children with homework

7.3. spend time with children

7.3.1. play games

7.3.2. have family time

7.3.3. read to them

7.3.4. go on trips and adventures

7.4. feed children good meals

7.4.1. send with lunches and snacks

7.5. ensure children maintain personal hygene

7.6. let kids be kids; let them enjoy being young

8. Other Important Staff Members within the school

8.1. Bus Driver

8.1.1. ensure students get from the bus stop to the school safely

8.2. Custodian

8.2.1. maintain cleanliness of school sweep floors wipe desks clean bathrooms

8.3. Libraian

8.3.1. maintain organization in library put books back where they belong ensure books are where they belong teach students how to find books using system teach students how to use shelf markers

8.3.2. help students find resources

8.4. Councelor

8.4.1. r

8.4.2. r

8.5. Student Services

8.5.1. r

8.5.2. r

8.5.3. r

8.6. Youth Care Worker

8.6.1. r

8.6.2. r

8.6.3. r

8.6.4. r

8.7. Noonhour Supervisor

8.7.1. motintor students while they play outside during lunch

8.7.2. provide first-aid IF and WHEN necessary

8.8. Bus Monitiors

8.8.1. monitor students while they are waiting for the bus to arrive

8.8.2. ensure students behave while waiting for bus

8.9. Teachers on Call

8.9.1. cover classroom when teacher call in sick

8.9.2. follows same duties as a teacher

8.10. Nurse

8.10.1. provides first-aid to students who require

8.10.2. teach EAs how to give students specified medications and treatments

9. Superintendent of Schools

10. Parent Advisory Council

10.1. organize fundraisers

10.1.1. hot lunch program

10.1.2. playground reconstructiom

10.2. administer for students

10.2.1. own and others throughout the school

10.2.2. work for studnets in part with school board

10.2.3. attend school board meetings

11. Principle

11.1. manage teachers, students, and support staff

11.2. keep school running

12. Education Assistants

12.1. assist teachers in implementing IEP

12.2. help students with disabilites

12.2.1. wheelchiar bounds

12.2.2. low functioning

12.2.3. visually impaired

12.2.4. behaviours

12.3. works under teacher

12.4. t

12.5. t

13. Students

13.1. behave

13.1.1. in class

13.1.2. during lunch and recess

13.2. listen to

13.2.1. teachers

13.2.2. education assistants

13.2.3. parents

13.2.4. principles

13.2.5. friends

13.3. maintain personal hygene

13.4. do homework

13.5. treat everyone with respect

13.6. be kind

14. Speach/Language Pathologist

14.1. help others

14.1.1. babies

14.1.2. children

14.1.3. adults