Assignments for the Week Monday 10/24 - Friday 10/28

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Assignments for the Week Monday 10/24 - Friday 10/28 by Mind Map: Assignments for the Week Monday 10/24 - Friday 10/28

1. Monday 10/24

1.1. Doing

1.1.1. Reading Chapters 5-6 of LITF

1.2. Homework

1.2.1. Role Models and Their Impact on Our Lives - Discussion on Haiku (Due Tues 10/25 by 7:30) Respond to at least two!

1.2.2. Work on Book Project

1.3. Collecting

2. Tuesday 10/25

2.1. Doing

2.1.1. Finish reading Chpt 5-6 of LITF

2.1.2. Work on Book Project

2.2. Homework

2.2.1. What is a Role Model - On Haiku  (Due Wednesday 10/25 by 7:30) Respond to at least two!

2.2.2. Work on Book Project

2.3. Collecting

3. Wednesday 10/26

3.1. Doing

3.1.1. Chapters 5-6 Questions Use notes to answer questions at home.

3.1.2. Work on Book Project

3.2. Homework

3.2.1. Chapters 5-6 Questions

3.3. Collecting

4. Thursday 10/27

4.1. Doing

4.1.1. Going to the Library Book Club Groups

4.2. Homework

4.2.1. Chapters 5-6 Questions TA's will stamp so you can study them for the test.

4.3. Collecting

4.3.1. Book Project

5. Friday 10/28

5.1. New Seating Chart Today!!!

5.2. Doing

5.2.1. Chapters 5-6 Quiz

5.3. Homework

5.4. Collecting

5.4.1. Chapters 5-6 Questions TA's will stamp so you can study them for the test.

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