Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Faculty Members in Malaysian Universities

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Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Faculty Members in Malaysian Universities by Mind Map: Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Faculty Members in Malaysian Universities

1. Introduction

1.1. Employees' job satisfaction influences the performance of a company

1.2. Research of job satisfaction of faculty members in two selected universities

1.3. Objectives :

1.3.1. To investigate the factors that affect job satisfaction of faculty members within an educational institution

2. Conclusion and Implication

2.1. Job dissatisfaction related to motivators or intrinsic factors while job satisfaction was affected by the hygiene factors

2.2. Implication

2.2.1. Spend more effort on the motivator to improve job satisfaction and emphasize the motivator areas

3. Findings

3.1. Main factors affecting job satisfaction: 1) Salary 2)Administration and Policy

3.1.1. Faculties who satisfy with their salary:  1) Formal Doctoral Degree

3.1.2. Faculties who dissatisfy with their salary:       1) age group of 41 years and above 2) Associates professors   3) Employed for more than 11 years

3.2. Main factors affecting job dissatisfaction:       1) Working Condition   2) Recognition

3.2.1. Affected by marital status and academic rank of faculty member

3.2.2. Faculties that dissatisfy with their working condition: 1) Married 2) Associate Professors

4. Recommendations

4.1. Using the critical incident method by Herzberg

4.2. Larger sample groups for the study

4.3. More findings on problem areas

4.4. Come out with a standardized research instrusment