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Brainstorming by Mind Map: Brainstorming


1.1. Emerson urges his readers to follow their individual will instead of conforming to social expectations

1.2. Emerson makes it clear that in his mind, the antithesis of self reliance is civilization because it encourages conformity.

1.3. self reliance is difficult to achieve because society is built in such a way as to encourage individuals not to trust themselves,

2. Ideas

2.1. Dependence on ones own capabilities, judgment, or resources

2.2. not needing help or support from other people

2.3. asserting the importance of thinking for oneself rather than meekly accepting other peoples ideas

3. Facts

3.1. Self Reliance is an essay from 1841

3.2. Contains statements of Emerson's recurrent themes

4. Facts

4.1. the need for individuals to avoid conformity and false consistency

4.2. Replace self reliance with Christ reliance

4.3. To believe that what is true in your private heart is true for all men