The digestive system

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The digestive system por Mind Map: The digestive system

1. Digestion

1.1. Mouth

1.1.1. Food + saliva = bolus

1.2. Pharynx

1.3. Oesophagus

1.4. Stomach

1.4.1. Bolus + gastric juices = chyme

2. Absorption

2.1. Small intestine

2.1.1. Chyme + juices from the liver, pancreas and small intestine = chyle

2.1.2. Nutrients are absorbed and pass to the blood.

3. Excretion

3.1. Large intestine

3.1.1. Water is absorbed and faeces remain.

3.2. Rectum

3.3. Anus

3.3.1. Faeces are expelled.