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Spectators by Mind Map: Spectators

1. The Lottery

1.1. A socitiy's scapegoat is chosen randomly under organized circumstanzes. By sacrificing a random member of the town, the remaining inhabitants will get a good harvest.

1.2. Written by Shirley Jackson in 1948

1.3. The Lottery contains a change in atmosphere, similiar to the one in The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas.

1.4. The shortstory created a lot of stir because of its controversial plot and theme.

2. The Song of the Spectators

2.1. A poem describing the way conformity affects the society: How individuals throughout history have been spectating major events without questioning them.

2.2. Written during the Cold War by Mary Payne in 1964

2.3. The author emphasizes the fact only the participants die - not the watchers.

3. Exploring Psychology

3.1. Factual text

3.2. Reasons for the individual to conform

3.3. Conformity and obidience: The chameleon effect, mood contagion

3.4. Conditions that strengthed conformity: Insecurity, the group is actractive, unanimous

3.5. Reasons for comforming: Normative and informational social influence

4. The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas

4.1. Focus on the society: The wealth in a society based on the misery of others

4.2. Scapegoatism

4.3. Contrast: A change in athmosphere from pompous and to miserable. Overall mystical.


4.5. Barnet i kosteskabet og samfundsetikken, Inger Sjørslev, Weekendavisen 18. februar 2011

5. The Unknown Citizen

5.1. Comment on totalitarian societies

5.2. The Unknown Citizen describes an anonymous member of an unnamed society. He is the perfect citizen, who lives up to any given standard that can be weighted and measured by the state

5.3. Narrative poetry, meaning that it first and foremost focuses on a story

5.4. Descriptive language

5.5. Institutionalization og everyday words: Modern Man

5.6. Displays its philosophy of man through an ironic and cold description of a counter-image, the total-itarian society, where mankind is overruled by the state

6. Martin Sheen and Voyeurism

6.1. Introjective identification: People identify themselves with famous person, outlive their lives on a imaginary level, and thereby gains excitement to their boring lives

6.2. Parralel between celebrities and normal people: Both addicted to respectively drugs and excitement

6.3. Biological and psychological facts as a back-up - logos and ethos

6.4. Voyeurism compensates for a boring life