Anxiety Exceptionality (Behaviour disoder)
by Stef Clarke
1. Accommodating Anxiety
1.1. environmental - strategic seating, calm/uncluttered environment, headphones, alternate plan for assemblies, field trips, large group activities
1.2. Instructional - repeated instruction (verbal and written and visual), more time for processing, reduction in output expectations, calm down pass (strategies), signal to instructor
1.3. Assessment - extra time for processing, removal from classroom OR cubby for personal space, repeated instructions, assistive technology, graphic organizers, 'calm down signal/pass'
2. NTP tests for Anxiety
2.1. BASC - Behavioural Assessment System for Children
2.2. MASC - Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children - tests for 1) Physical Anxiety, 2) Harm Avoidance, 3) Social Anxiety, and 4) Separation / Panic disorders
3. Goals
3.1. Define Anxiety
3.2. NTP assessments for Anxiety
3.3. Accommodations for Anxiety
4. Definition
4.1. a nervous disorder characterized by a state of excessive uneasiness and apprehension, typically with compulsive behavior or panic attacks.
4.2. Anxiety presentations - physical reponses, thoughts, emotions, behaviours
4.3. Types of Anxiety - Body Focused Repetitive Behaviour (hair pulling, skin picking, nose picking, clearing throat, nail biting - I've seen these in ASD a lot - stimming type of behaviour); Generalized Anxiety Disorder (worry warts); Health Anxiety (not classified - is under GAD); hoarding disorder; OCD; Panic Disorder and Agorophobia; PRSD; Social Anxiety Disorder; Selective Mutism; Separation Anxiety Disorder; Specific phobias (unreasonable and excessive fear)