Contributions of the Middle Ages

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Contributions of the Middle Ages by Mind Map: Contributions of the Middle Ages

1. Literature

1.1. Divine Comedy (1300)

1.1.1. Dante Alighieri

1.2. Canterbury Tales (1387-1400)

1.2.1. Geoffrey Chaucer

1.3. Poem of the Cid (1140)

1.3.1. ???

2. Math/Science

2.1. Hippocrates - Medicine

2.2. Euclid - Geometry

3. Early Universitites

3.1. Paris/Oxford

3.2. Salerno = Medical School

3.3. Bologna = Law Studies

3.4. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) = 3-6 Years

3.5. Master of Arts (M.A.)

4. St. Thomas Aquinas

4.1. Philospher/Sainted

4.2. Wrote Summa Theologica

4.2.1. Faith/Reason

4.3. Scholasticism - Used reason to support Christian Beliefs

4.4. Natural Law

4.5. Influenced Thomas Jefferson