Microbiologia Industrial

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Microbiologia Industrial by Mind Map: Microbiologia Industrial

1. "Good Manufacturing Practice"

1.1. "Quality Assurance"

1.2. "Installation Qualification"

1.3. "Performance Qualification"

1.4. "Clean area"

1.5. "Microbial Active Air Action"

1.6. "Standard Manufacturing Procedures"

2. "Research & Development"

2.1. "Upstream"

2.2. "Downstream"

3. "International Standard"

3.1. FDA

3.1.1. Estados Unidos

3.2. EFSA

3.2.1. Europa

4. "Quality Assurance"

4.1. "Installation Qualification"

4.2. "Operational Qualification"

4.3. "Performance Qualification"

4.4. "Document Review"

4.5. Investigacion

5. "Quality Control"

5.1. "Customer Satisfaction"

5.2. Did it meet the expectations?

5.3. "Freedom of defect"

6. 5 W's

6.1. What?

6.2. Who?

6.3. When?

6.4. Why?

6.5. Where?

7. Historia

7.1. Edad de oro