Nintendo: a global TNC  (5,120 total employees) Influence in many countries, including the Triad,...

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Nintendo: a global TNC  (5,120 total employees) Influence in many countries, including the Triad, China and others by Mind Map: Nintendo: a global TNC  (5,120 total employees) Influence in many countries, including the Triad, China and others

1. Administrative structure

1.1. Three different headquarters in each territory of the triad

1.1.1. Nintendo of Japan (NoJ): Seat in Kyoto, Japan. Manages  publishing, sales, marketing and distribution (2,009 employees)

1.1.2. Nintendo of Europe (NoE): Seat in Frankfurt, Germany, manages publishing, sales, marketing and distribution in North/Central America (868 employees)

1.1.3. Nintendo of America (NoA): Seat in Redmond, Washington. Manages publishing, sales, marketing and distribution in Europe (1,257employees)

1.1.4. Many other local branches for specific distribution in other countries

1.1.5. The employees listed here include R&D divisions!

2. Research and development (R&D) divisions in each territory of the Triad

2.1. Entertainment Analysis and Development (EAD): Development of first party /internal video game and software  intellectual property

2.2. Software Planning and Development (SPD): Management of subsidiary and third party development of intellectual property on proprietary hardware

2.3. Integrated Resa=earch and Development: Design and testing of proprietary hardware (video game consoles, in this case)

3. Manufacturing

3.1. Foxconn plants, China

4. Subsidiaries

4.1. Second party software development

4.1.1. The Pokemon Company (400 employees)

4.1.2. Monolith Software (80 employees)

4.1.3. Retro Studios (110 employees)

4.1.4. HAL Laboratory (170 employees)