Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management

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Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management by Mind Map: Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management

1. Knowledge Economy

1.1. -Economy that fosters tha ability to create, innovate and discover in order to create new knowledge and promote ideas taht become products, process, etc. in order to create wellness and solve social economic issues.

1.1.1. 2 Posible results: 1.- Incentives to produce information 2.- Adress the potential contibutions of information creation process to the economy, specially as regards the existance and contribution of "increasing returns" for growth economic welfare.

1.1.2. 1) No exclusion: having info. doesn´t exclude other persons to use it as well

1.1.3. 2) No Rivalryin use: giving info doesn´t reduce the properties and ownership of the info.

1.1.4. 3) Low cost to reproduce it: After first copy of info is done, next copies are cheaper.

1.2. A knowledge based economy is the one that invest tha most in human capiatl and social capital.

2. Knowledge Based Development

2.1. Origin: Based on Growth Theory and Knowledge Management

2.1.1. End-of the century movement initiated after the WWII

2.1.2. By the end of the Cold War, the New Growth Theory was initiated Derives from a constant awareness of a faster production growth than would be attributed to external factors City of knowledge was an invention of the Cold War

2.2. KBD must be based on an economic system that allows the recording, viewing, sizing and management of the entire value resulting from human activity. It must also include some form of knowledge capital

2.3. Industrial Clusters, science parks, incubators => concentration of resources and knowledge

2.4. The increase in productivity set the foundation for the development of the Knowledge Management movement

2.4.1. In the 90's Knowledge Management gained importance because of three drivers: 1. Productivity paradox 2. Increasing rate of accelerating of the obsolency rate of productive competencies The desire to identify, assess the intangible knowledge

2.4.2. KBD is the response of Economic and Management Sciences to the emergence of Knowledge Societies

2.5. Formal combination of Growth Theory and Knowledge Management in 2002

2.5.1. There are three levels of KBD 1. Social Knowledge Infrastructure 2. Human Capital Development Programs 3. Development of the social capital system

3. Peter Senge Disciplines

3.1. Systems Thinking: Consider the whole and its parts and the connection between them.

3.2. Personal Mastery: Specific Principles and practices that enables a person to learn and create a personal vision and view the world objectively.

3.3. Mental Models: Generalizations and assumptions from which we understand the world and take action on it, are our paradigms.

3.4. Shared Vision: Its the capacity to hold a shared picture of the future we seek to create

3.5. Team Work: need to work as a families, all members need to know who are they and which is their role.

4. Organizational Learning Styles

4.1. There is not an specific way to learn of someone, the circumstances are the ones that determine de learning style used.

4.1.1. HOWARD GARDNER     specifies that there     are types of learning              styles. Physical --> people using the sense of touch Verbal --> people who prefer the use of words. Visual -->People  learn more with visual information such as pictures , videos , etc. AUral --> people learn more by listening

5. Information Economy

5.1. 3) Stiglitz

5.1.1. Showed that an uniformed agent con something capture the information of a better informed agent through screening. Moral Hazard: One party gets involved in a risky event knowing that is protected against the risk, and the other party will incur the cost. Sreening: Buyers must find out ways to screen out erroneous info, but allow in truthful information.

5.1.2. Market of Lemons (+ info) Sellers_________(- info) Buyers A key insight is that economic agents may have strong incentives to compensate (offset) the adverse effects of info problems on market efficiency

5.2. 2) Spence

5.2.1. Showed that under certain conditions, well informed agents can improve their market outcome by signaling their private information to poorly informed agents.

5.2.2. Signaling: -strategy to avoid adverse selection. -refers to observable actions taken by a party to convinvce to opposite party of the quality of their product. (Seller- Buyer) Adverse selection: One party has more accurate and different info that the other party.

5.3. 1) Akerlof

5.4. Is the area of economy that studies how information affects and influnces in economic decisions.

5.5. Stuidies the relations between the economic agents in situations where decision are made, and assymetric information is present.

5.5.1. Assymetric information

5.5.2. Consumers and productors don´t have the same information about the most important variables Has demanded the creation of guarranties, insurances, etc. of products

6. Knowledge Management Technologies

6.1. Business Intelligence: Enables companies to take full advantage of information and data

6.2. Knowledge Management: Describes the overarching strategy that makes use of Business Intelligence tools to achieve the overall goal

6.2.1. 4 main tasks of knowledge management: 1. Create 2. Store 3. Access 4. Transfer

6.2.2. Examples of KM tools: Decision Support Systems, Customer Relationship Management Systems and Supply Chain Management Systems KM tools are distinguished in: information search & distribution tools and organization & storage tools

6.2.3. 3 main functions of KM: 1. Talent retention 2. Internal and external communication 3. Current business environment anylsis

7. Pshcology Learning  Theories

7.1. Social Learning: According to immitiation

7.2. Constructivism: Emphasize the interaction between the mind and the real world.Meaning of creation experiences.

7.3. Conductism: Approach any education process

7.4. Cognitivism: Is based on promoting mental process such as thinking, problem solving, language and information process.

8. Organizatinal Learning

8.1. Its the process by which entitles,large or small, public or private, transform information into knowledge. disseminate and exploit it in order to increase innovative and competitive capacity.

8.1.1. Why is it important Its the change from strategic planning to strategic management. The lineal models change to causal models the organizations are complex systems influenced by their environment Its a competitive factor Long term organizational change processes

8.1.2. Organizational Learning help us to Be more competitive involvement of all areas Solve  present problems with a future vision Update knowledge and skills Clarify, support and consolidate changes Produce new knowledge supported by clear and open communication

9. Knowledge Development

9.1. We acquire knowledge by learning; to learn we need the involvement of 4 basic factors

9.1.1. Motivation

9.1.2. Experience

9.1.3. Intelligence

9.1.4. Previous Knowledge


9.2.1. Ontological 4 levels Individual Group Organizational Inter organizational

9.2.2. Epistemological Explicit Is known as the know-what, it can be transferred and shared in data, formula,procedures,etc.  its also explained using formal language Tacit Refers to intuituve, its the knowledge that has been acquiered from the experience.

9.3. Knowledge levels

9.3.1. Know what cognitivie Explicit

9.3.2. Know how tacit expertise advanced abilities

9.3.3. know why understanding/comprehension Its the reason if critical thinking

9.3.4. care why social impact

10. High Perfomance team

10.1. Autonomous work teams fully engage to achieve a common goal .

10.1.1. Teams are  high organized and eveybody is fully envolved in their roles.

10.1.2. Teams that work with fully respect ,loyalty and trust.

10.1.3. Relations between the members are not establish as a  bond of similarities  but as an advantage of  different characters. This makes  the team even stronger  due to the diversity.

10.1.4. Leadership must be capable to bring commitment ,initiative, creativity and motivation from everyone inside the team .

10.1.5. Fast , effective and accurate ways of communication between the members , this  makes the work even more effective.