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Academic Writing by Mind Map: Academic Writing

1. Transition words practice

2. Learning paragraph structure  The 3 parts of a paragraph:

2.1. The topic sentence

2.2. Supporting sentences

2.3. The concluding sentence

3. Writing a paragraph

3.1. Learning how to achieve unity and coherence

4. Writing an essay

4.1. Learning essay structure The 3 parts of an essay

4.1.1. An introductory paragraph Learning kinds of introduction

4.1.2. A body Learning ways to organize the of an essay

4.1.3. A conclusion Learning techniques for writing a memorable conclusion

4.2. Writing an essay outlining

4.3. Learning to write 5 different types of essays and analyzing their models

4.3.1. Process essay

4.3.2. Cause/effect essay

4.3.3. Comparison/contrast essay

4.3.4. Argumentative essay

4.3.5. Summary and perephrase