Teaching, Learning, Development

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Teaching, Learning, Development af Mind Map: Teaching, Learning, Development

1. Week 3: Establishing Positive Learning Environment

1.1. Classroom Management (Edutopia Tips): - Building Community - Safe, positive classroom environment - Inclusively making rules and consequences within the classroom - Getting to know your students and communicating in a variety of different ways - Keep it real and resolve conflict in timely manner

1.1.1. Responsibility put on both teacher and student--> Team Effort

1.1.2. ADHD: - Equity - Equality - Accommodating -Instructional Strategies Choices

1.1.3. 80/20 Rule

1.2. "Fairness does not equal Sameness"

1.3. Creation of WELL-BEING in the Classroom

1.4. Creation of RESILIENT Children

1.4.1. Self-Efficacy Self-Regulation


1.6. Rita Pierson - Inspiration - Children don't learn from teachers they don't like - RELATIONSHIPS ARE EVERYTHING --> BUILD THEM ALWAYS - Set a solid, strong foundation to build these relationships

1.7. 3 Fundamental Needs 1) Autonomy 2) Competence 3) Relatedness

1.8. Accounting for differences in learning - BE AWARE - What are your students preferences? - Can you accommodate them?


2. Week 4: Making Instructional Decisions

2.1. Inquiry- Based Learning: From intuitive understandings and natural curiosity to knowledge creation – to a space where ideas can be transformed into formalized understanding and further questioning.

2.1.1. Teacher is "provoking" student learning

2.2. Zoe Branigan-Pipe: - Differentiated learning - Constructivism Concepts - Integration of creativity and uniqueness in the classroom - Giving students more choice and power over learning and curriculum - Use of technology

2.2.1. Using Different styles of teaching, learning, evaluation and assessment

2.3. Promoting Individualized Learning

2.4. Meta-cognition: Thinking about thinking Digging deep Most benefit Being Critical

2.5. Selecting, Organizing, Integrating

2.5.1. What will work best for who? When? - Educating Strategically to be most successful and meaningful

3. Week 5: Assessing Student Progress

3.1. Bloom's Taxonomy: - Knowledge - Comprehension - Evaluation - Application - Synthesis - Analysis

3.2. Homework Exit Ticket Bell Work Sharing Group Work

3.2.1. Study/Organization Skills Focus and Understanding

3.3. 3 Types of Assessment 1) Diagnostic--> Asking (Before Learning) 2) Formative--> Observing (During Learning) 3) Summative--> Evaluating (Tests, Assignments) (After Learning)

3.4. Understanding By Design Framework: A planning process and structure for educators to follow in order to guide curriculum, assessment and instruction

3.5. Positive Effects of FEEDBACK...PROVIDE IT

3.6. Concentrated Instruction – systematic process of identifying essential knowledge and skills that students must master to succeed, while addressing what to do when they don’t

3.7. Stiggins: Knowledge, reasoning, skills, products

3.8. The Triangle of Student Learning and Progress Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying Understanding Remembering

3.9. HPL Framework: - Learner Centred - Knowledge Centred - Assessment Centred - Community Centred

3.9.1. Developing critical thinking skills

3.9.2. Using Story books

3.9.3. Projects are Interdisciplinary

4. Week 6: Individual Differences: Intellectual Abilities and Challenges

4.1. How to maintain inclusive environments: - Examine your own beliefs - Work with the school team, including the student - Use variety of instruction methods and strategies (Differentiated Instruction and Universal Design) - Extend inclusion to the whole school

4.2. Intelligence: Broad and subjective term -  Sir Ken Robinson described intelligence as diverse, dynamic and wonderfully interactive - Complicated term with multiple meanings - Robinson explained that recently, we as teachers are stigmatizing mistakes, making children fear being wrong. This is causing children to be “educated out of their creative capacities,” thus ruining their ability to come up with anything original

4.2.1. Sternberg: 1) Analytic 2) Creative  3) Practical

4.2.2. Gardner: musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic

4.2.3. Carroll: Fluid, Crystallized, Visual-Spatial


4.3. In Including Students with Exceptionalities, it was stated that “the classroom teacher can make a difference to student learning

4.3.1. Is full inclusion always the best decision?

4.4. High Incidence Exceptionalities: - Giftedness - ADHD -Intellectual Disability

4.4.1. Differentiated Learning is Necessity

4.5. Low Incidence Exceptionalities: - Autism - Hearing Impairment - Visual Impairment

4.6. Impact os Socio-Economic Status

4.6.1. Huge impact on student academic success Importance of being socially just

4.6.2. How to counteract/ accommodate for SES

5. Week 7: Socio-Cultural Considerations

5.1. Influences of Individualism and Collectivism

5.1.1. Different cultural values

5.2. Strategies for Working with Diverse Learners

5.2.1. Demonstrate High-Expectations Implement Culturally Relevant Instruction and Curriculum Form Caring, Strong, Meaningful Relationships (Be Knowledgable Toward Who You Are Teaching) Parent and Community Involvement

5.3. Airplane Game

5.3.1. How was make decisions based on socially constructed stereotypes

5.3.2. Stereotype threat--> Behaviour perpetuating stereotypes

5.3.3. Is this fair? How can we deter students from making stereotypes about others?

5.4. Imperative role teachers play in promoting equality and diversity within classrooms

5.4.1. Howard and Aleman explained the teachers must adopt “critical consciousness” in order to combat and alter the established ways of school that appear to legitimize inequitable social hierarchies and social practices

5.5. Aboriginal Students

5.5.1. Protective Factors - Community/family engagement and involvement - Relevant programming - Role Models - Resilience - Positive self-image/Confidence/ Well- Being

5.5.2. Risk - Little qualified teachers - Moving - Little support

6. Week 1: Planning For The Upcoming Year

6.1. 4 Commonplaces of Education: 1) Teacher 2) Topic 3) Setting 4) Student

6.1.1. Instructional Approaches: 1)Universal Design for Learning 2) Differentiated Instruction 3) Response to Intervention

6.2. Planning: - INVALUABLE - Who, What, Where, When, Why, How - Materials, Method, Strategy

6.3. Do Your Research! - Relationship between Research and Practice - Follow the Steps of Research - Qualitative VS. Quantitative

6.3.1. Research Process: Step 1) Observation of Phenomena Step 2) Formation of Questions Step 3) Application of Research Methods Step 4) Development of Guiding Principles Step 5) Development of Theories

6.4. Teacher-Centred Approach VS. Student-Centred Approach

6.4.1. Teacher- Centred: Teacher determines content, provides direction, and sets academic and social tone

6.4.2. Student-Centred: Teacher adopts constructivist perspective and acknowledged that students actively construct their own understandings

6.5. "What is Reflective Learning?" Video

6.5.1. - A practice that helps students become active learners - We are often PASSIVE learners weather than ACTIVE learners

6.5.2. Trial and Error: - Understand why something is not working - Use of strategies - Differentiated Learning - Accommodation

6.6. "Stop Stealing Dreams" Tedtalk

6.6.1. Putting kids in the factory we call school--> See school as work that they therefore want to do less of

6.6.2. Need to step out of this "factory" perspective so that children can grow, learn, create and be unique

6.6.3. Schwab-->  subject matter dominates the curriculum decision-making process, while largely ignoring the learners, teachers, or contexts

7. Week 2: Considering Developmental Differences

7.1. GROWTH MINDSET (Carol Dweck) Essential to have, as it leads to a desire to IMPROVE and allows for a greater sense of free will - Having an open mind - Challenging yourself

7.2. Developmental Appropriateness aka THE KEY TO ALL THINGS EDUCATION



7.4.1. Since Vygotsky proposed that social interactions and shared social activities create an individual’s cognitive structures and encourage thinking, I suspect his math lesson would be centered around partner or group work (Edmunds & Edmunds, p.55) . Students would likely solve math problems through interacting with one another, sharing ideas and listening to one another’s suggestions. On the contrary, Piaget looked at the process of learning through a more individualized lens. He explained that each individual brain is constantly combining and arranging what it learns and knows, in order to understand something. Piaget might teach a lesson based on more independent learning, but in a variety of ways, in order for children to create multiple schemas, and arrange them in order to make sense of a math problem.

7.5. Adora Svitak

7.5.1. Childish thinking

7.5.2. Optimism and willingness to learn

7.5.3. Taking risks

7.5.4. Open-Mindedness

7.6. Erikson: - Psychosocial Development

8. Week 8: Standardized Achievement Tests

8.1. HIGHLY Controversial

8.2. Impact on Students, Teachers, Parents

8.2.1. Stress Nerves Animosity Competition Feelings that it defines student intelligence Unnecessary applied pressure put on students and teachers

8.3. The Globe and Mail article emphasized this negativity as they described the nature of standardized testing as a “constant concern to teachers and parents across the country,” as well as students

8.3.1. Others believe test is important to gather information on how children fare in relation to a provincial standard

8.4. How tests cause competition - Schools turn on one another

8.5. EQAO and Literacy Testing (Grades 3, 6, 9, 10)

8.6. Standardized: - Same time - Same support - Same questions - Same tools -Same evaluation - Same conditions

8.6.1. How does it address accommodations? Different learning strategies? Different needs, abilities, intelligences? What about cultural and linguistic differences? Doesn't assess 21st century skills Students becoming disengaged in learning Taking away childish thinking and perpetuating school as work factory

8.7. Must evaluate student progress but is this the right answer?