AZ beauty (easy beauty)

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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AZ beauty (easy beauty) 저자: Mind Map: AZ beauty (easy beauty)

1. Bank Relations

1.1. Confirm account

1.1.1. Confirmed Execute

1.1.2. Rejected

2. Check out

2.1. ShoppingCart

2.2. Wish list

2.3. Best for you ( suggestions)

3. About Us

3.1. Mission / vision

3.2. Store locater

3.2.1. Enter Zip Code

3.2.2. Address

3.3. Live Chat

3.4. E mail

3.5. Phone number

4. Payment methods

4.1. Gift Card

4.1.1. Enter gift card No.

4.2. Credit / debit Card

4.2.1. Name as in the CC

4.2.2. Expiry date

4.2.3. CC number

4.2.4. Security Code

4.2.5. Billing address

4.3. Electronic Check

4.3.1. Account No

4.3.2. Routing No

5. Shipment

5.1. Inventory order

5.2. Carrier Order

6. Membership

6.1. Existing Customer

6.1.1. Enter User name & password

6.1.2. Enter Customer reference Number

6.2. New Customer

6.2.1. Enter name / e mail / password

6.2.2. Enter customer reference number pull out customer info

6.3. Retrieve User name and / or Password

6.3.1. Enter User Name and E mail

6.3.2. Enter Customer reference Number

6.3.3. Answer the secret Question

7. Product Home page

7.1. Hair Products

7.1.1. Shampoos

7.1.2. Conditionar

7.1.3. Hair Masks

7.1.4. Hair dryer

7.1.5. Hair extension

7.1.6. Hair coloring

7.2. Make up

7.2.1. Day make up

7.2.2. Night make up

7.2.3. Water proof Make up

7.3. Teenage Section

7.4. Body Care Section

7.4.1. Shower gel

7.4.2. Scrubs

7.4.3. Body Lotions

7.4.4. Body milk

7.4.5. Body Sprys

7.5. Perfumes

7.6. bride collection