Computer Class

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Computer Class por Mind Map: Computer Class

1. Major Projects

1.1. Business Plan Project

1.2. Movie

1.3. Website

1.3.1. Pages Home Page Resume Computer Class English Class Math Class Geography Class Science Class Career Goals Spanish Art P.E.

2. Typing Practices

2.1. Typing Quizzes

2.1.1. Typing Games

2.1.2. Typing lessons

2.1.3. Typing Practices

3. My Resume

3.1. Name

3.2. Grade

3.3. Age

3.4. Nationality

3.5. Languages I speak

3.6. Three adjectives that best describe me

3.7. My gmail account

3.8. Project Details

3.8.1. Movie

3.8.2. Business Plan

3.9. Internet Tools Applied

3.9.1. Business Plan

3.10. Project Experience in three lines

3.11. Links

3.12. Career Goals

4. Mozilla FireFox

4.1. Why Is it better than Internet Explorer?

4.1.1. Faster

4.1.2. Less Problems

4.1.3. More Advantages

4.1.4. More Features

5. Teacher

5.1. Mr. Daniels

6. Activity Report

6.1. Quizzes

6.1.1. History of Computing

6.1.2. Hardware

6.1.3. Key Commands

6.1.4. Computer Basics

6.1.5. Internet Literacy

6.1.6. More Basics about Computers

6.1.7. Computer Vocabulary

6.1.8. Computer Vocabulary 2

6.1.9. Computer Networks

6.1.10. Simulations

6.1.11. Computer Basics: The Mystery of the CPU Unveiled!

6.1.12. Networks

6.1.13. Computer Vocab Revisited

6.1.14. Computer Vocabulary: Are ou my mother (board)?

6.1.15. More Computer Vocabulary

6.1.16. Computer Basics Revisited

6.1.17. Computer Basics: Secrets of the Computer!

6.1.18. Computer Vocabulary

7. Analysis and Reflection

7.1. Research and Development

7.2. Sketchup and movie making

7.3. Tools you have used to complete your movie

7.4. How have computers changed the way people organize their thoughts and activities?

7.4.1. Helps organize information

7.4.2. Money Management

7.4.3. Meeting new people

7.4.4. Communication

7.4.5. Getting work done much faster

8. Geni

8.1. Family Tree

8.2. 65 people in my family tree