The Christmas Carol Characterization of Scrooge.

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The Christmas Carol Characterization of Scrooge. by Mind Map: The Christmas Carol Characterization of Scrooge.

1. The Scrooge is mean/grumpy and he is a penny pincher.

1.1. The Scrooge hates Christmas so he says "Bah Hambug!"

2. He is a boring old man who does not care about others only himself.

2.1. He learned that he was not always a grumpy old miser and is wanting to change

2.1.1. Scrooge does not know what kindness is.

3. He learned that he was not always a grumpy old miser and is wanting to change.

4. He is a good for nothing old man who needs a heart.

5. Scrooge does not know what kindness is.