14 IDEA disability categories

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14 IDEA disability categories by Mind Map: 14 IDEA disability categories

1. Autism

1.1. Interventions / Modifications

1.2. Assistive Technologies

1.3. Subcategories

1.4. Autism Spectrum Disorders

1.5. Case Studies

2. Deaf-Blindness

2.1. Deaf-Blindness

2.2. Assistive Technologies

2.3. Categories

2.4. Case Studies

3. Intellectual Disability

3.1. Case Study

3.2. Assistive Technology

3.3. Categories

3.4. Intervention

4. Multiple Disabilities

4.1. Intervention

4.2. Case Study

4.3. Categories

4.4. Assistive Technology

5. Orthopedic Impairment

5.1. Intervention

5.2. Case Study

5.3. Categories

5.4. Assistive Technology

6. Other Health Impairment

6.1. Assistive Technology

6.2. Intervention

6.3. Categories

7. Speech or Language Impairment

7.1. Categories

7.2. Intervention

7.3. Assistive Technology

7.4. Case Study

8. Deafness

8.1. Intervention / Modifications

8.2. Assistive Technology

8.3. Types of Deafness

9. Developmental Delay

9.1. Intervention / Modifications

9.2. Assistive Technology

9.3. Case Studies

9.4. Types of Developmental Delays

10. Emotional Disturbance

10.1. Cast Study

10.2. Intervention

10.3. Types of Emotional Disturbance

10.4. Assistive Technology

11. Hearing Impairment

11.1. Case Study

11.2. Intervention

11.3. Assistive Technology

11.4. Types

12. Specific Learning Disability

12.1. Case Study

12.2. Intervention

12.3. Assistive Technology

12.4. Categories

13. Traumatic Brain Injury

13.1. Case Study

13.2. Intervention

13.3. Assistive Technology

13.4. Categories

14. Visual Impairment Including Blindness

14.1. Technology

14.2. Intervention

14.3. Categories

14.4. Case Study