Enhancing Distance Education

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Enhancing Distance Education by Mind Map: Enhancing  Distance Education

1. Concerns

1.1. Netiquette

1.2. Training/Learning Curve

1.3. Privacy

2. Institutional Requirements/Considerations

2.1. Policies

2.2. Guidelines

2.3. Best Practices

2.4. Departmental Approval

3. Support

3.1. Financial

3.2. Center for Teaching and Learning

3.3. Communication

4. Learners

4.1. Students

4.1.1. presentation

4.1.2. poll/survey

4.2. Educators

4.2.1. poll/survey

4.2.2. Descriptive evaluation

4.3. Website Visitors

4.3.1. poll/survey

4.3.2. Reviews

4.4. Facebook Visitors

4.4.1. posts

4.4.2. Insights tab

5. Badges

5.1. Completing tasks

5.2. Taking surveys

5.3. Peer Review

5.4. Activity