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Tree by Mind Map: Tree

1. Adapts and Responds to the Environment

1.1. Rooting to the ground to have a stringer grip in windy enviorments

1.2. Grow more leaves to produce more energy in low sunlight areas.

1.3. Thicker bark makes it harder for other plants  to grow on it.

1.4. Growing longer roots to reach water sources underground.

1.5. Some trees modify their leaves into thorns to stop loss of moisture through transpiration.

2. Energy

2.1. Photosynthesis

2.1.1. Oxygen

2.1.2. Co2

2.1.3. A chemical process that uses sunlight to turn carbon dioxide into sugar a tree can use as energy the more leaves a tree has the more sugar it will produce.

3. Grows

3.1. Special cells at the tips of twigs divide, making the twigs grow.

3.2. A special layer of cells under the bark divide, widening the trunk and branches.

4. Produce Waste

4.1. Oxygen is considered a waste product of photosynthesis.

4.2. Co2 is considered a waste product of photosynthesis.

4.3. Branches fall of trees onto the ground.

4.4. Leaves fall off during fall and winter making it a waste product.

5. Reproduces

5.1. Pollination: When pollination occurs seeds are created and blown into growing areas by the wind.

5.2. Roots (cloning) Branches or roots of a tree can be cut off and replanted to grow a new tree.