1. Summative
1.1. Planning
1.1.1. End of a large chunk of learning
1.1.2. Review of what you want to do
1.1.3. Standardized testing
1.2. Preparing students
1.2.1. Teach assessment skills
1.2.2. Review
1.2.3. Practice
1.3. Conducting Summative Assessments
1.3.1. Directions
1.3.2. When should they be taken
1.3.3. Layout of assessment
2. Diagnostic
2.1. Definition
2.1.1. A distinct form of measurement. Its purpose is to ascertain, prior to instruction, each student's strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills.
2.2. Example
2.2.1. Running Records
2.3. Indivdual
3. Performance
3.1. Individual
3.2. Journals
3.2.1. Keep a journal about what the students know and don't know.
3.3. Group projects
4. Formative
4.1. Completed during instruction
4.2. Definition
4.2.1. Process of gathering evidence of student learning, the teacher will sometimes adjust lessons to address misunderstandings.
4.3. Examples
4.3.1. Fist to five
4.3.2. Thumbs up, Thumbs down
4.4. Types of Formative Assessments
4.4.1. Homework
4.4.2. In class assignments
4.4.3. Quizzes and unit assessments
4.4.4. Classroom Assessments
4.4.5. Pretests
4.4.6. Structured Exercises
5. Benchmark
5.1. Definition
5.1.1. Periodic testing throughout the school year. Low level/ little to no student feedback.
5.2. Types
5.2.1. Goal directed
5.2.2. Scaffolded
5.2.3. Self-Referenced
5.2.4. Standard-Referenced
5.2.5. Norm-Referenced
5.3. Nature of the Feedback
5.3.1. Amount
5.3.2. Timing
5.3.3. Mode
5.3.4. Audience