EDOC 245 Quiz Cluster 7 8 9

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EDOC 245 Quiz Cluster 7 8 9 by Mind Map: EDOC 245 Quiz Cluster 7 8 9

1. cognitive science

2. Working memory

2.1. short-term memory

2.2. central executive

2.3. phonological loop

2.4. visuospatial sketchpad

2.5. episodic buffer

3. Reinforcement schedules

3.1. continuous reinforcement

3.2. intermittent reinforcement schedule

3.3. interval schedule

3.4. ratio schedule

3.5. Cueing

4. cognitive view of learning

4.1. Quizlet Cluster 8 - https://goo.gl/gK6gLi

4.2. domain-specific knowledge

4.3. general knowledge

4.4. mirror system

4.5. domain-specific knowledge

4.6. general knowledge

5. Views on Memory

5.1. sensory memory

5.2. perception

5.3. bottom-up processing

5.4. Gestalt

5.5. simultaneous multitasking

5.6. sequential multitasking

5.7. information processing

5.8. top-down processing

5.9. automaticity

6. Long-term memory

6.1. declarative knowledge

6.2. procedural knowledge

6.3. self-regulatory knowledge

6.4. dual coding theory

7. Cognitive Load & Retaining Information

7.1. Intrinsic

7.2. extraneous

7.3. Germane

8. Retaining Information in Working Memory

8.1. maintenance rehearsal

8.2. elaborative rehearsal

8.3. chunking

8.4. interferences

8.5. decay

9. Metacognition & Learning Strategies

9.1. Quizlet Cluster 9 -https://quizlet.com/_2t25ma

9.2. metacognition

9.3. KWL

10. Learning Strategies

10.1. Summaries

10.2. Highlighting

10.3. Taking Notes

11. behavioral learning theories

11.1. Quizlet - Cluster 7 - https://quizlet.com/_2t1g34

12. classical conditioning

12.1. neutral stimulus

12.2. unconditioned stimulus

12.3. unconditioned response

12.4. conditioned stinulus

12.5. conditioned response

13. Operant Conditioning

13.1. positive reinforcement

13.2. negative reinforcement

14. Methods for Encouraging Behavior

14.1. task analysis

14.2. shaping

14.3. punishment

15. Handling Undesirable Behavior

15.1. reprimands

15.2. response cost

15.3. social isolation

16. Visual Tools for Organizing

16.1. concept map

16.2. READS

17. Problem solving

17.1. Think-alouds

17.2. confirmation bias

17.3. creativity

18. Critical Thinking

18.1. Transfer