by Joan Altur Brines

1. Products
1.1. On January 21, 2015, Microsoft announced the release of their first Interactive whiteboard, Microsoft Surface Hub
1.2. On July 29, 2015, Microsoft released the next version of the Windows operating system, Windows 10. Its server sibling, Windows Server 2016, was released in September 2016.
1.3. In Q1 2015, Microsoft was the third largest maker of mobile phones selling 33 million units (7.2% of all), while a large majority (at least 75%) of them do not run any version of Windows Phone – those other phones are not categorized as smartphones by Gartner – in the same time frame 8 million Windows smartphones (2.5% of all smartphones) were made by all manufacturers (but mostly by Microsoft)
1.4. On March 1, 2016, Microsoft announced the merger of its PC and Xbox divisions, with Phil Spencer announcing that Universal Windows Applications would be the focus for Microsoft's gaming in the future
2. services
3. The MITS Altair 8800 was a microcomputer designed in 1975, based on the Intel 8080 CPU
4. Inicio
4.1. Founded 4 of april 1975
4.1.1. By Bill Gates and Paul Allen.