Stretch and Challenge

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Stretch and Challenge by Mind Map: Stretch and Challenge

1. Evaluating 'Stretch and Challenge'

2. Potential issues

2.1. Mental health and wellbeing

2.2. Safeguarding

2.3. Stress

2.4. Additional marking

2.5. Deadlines

2.6. Quality control

2.7. Independant learning - learning taking place

2.8. Time consuming to make materials and resources

3. Programme information

3.1. 80% of the Pricne's Trust programme is practical

3.1.1. 80% of the programme is external to the classroom

3.1.2. Community projects

3.1.3. Team building residential

3.1.4. Fundraising activities

3.1.5. Work placements

3.1.6. Next steps - visits to businesses and organisations

3.2. Learners from a wide range of diverse and challenging backgrounds

3.2.1. Probation

3.2.2. Mental health charities

3.2.3. Young carer organisations

3.2.4. Specialist centres for those with learning difficulities

3.2.5. College withdrawals

3.2.6. Long term unemployed

3.2.7. Educational underachievers

3.2.8. University graduates

3.2.9. Low confidence and self-esteem

3.3. Qualification

3.3.1. Entry level 3

3.3.2. Level 1

3.3.3. Level 2

4. Stretching - Challenging

4.1. Analysing articles on topics relavent to projects - embedding maths, English and ICT

4.1.1. Finding facts

4.1.2. Finding statements

4.1.3. Finding statistics

4.1.4. Finding quotes

4.2. Proof read and amend spelling mistakes - embedding ownership and respect in work

4.3. Asking questions that require more thought process and explanation this can help to bring out deeper learning which will help all learners

5. Amended plan

6. Evaluating activities

6.1. Activities where learners are able to choose from a range of extension activities were more like to engage positively and work with more motivation

6.2. Activities where learners were only given a narrow choice of many one or two extension activities showed less interest and required more motivation from myself to participate. This took additional time from being able to support the needier learners

6.3. Learners being able to see the positive aspected of researching and finding information out for up coming sessions. This gave the learners motivation and pride in their work and future projects.

7. Evaluating Challenging activities

7.1. Activities where learners were required to work independantly and find articles relating to the project and find maths/English related information helped learners who were studying Entry level 3 and Level 1. Building key skills for their own personal development

7.2. Certain learners with challenging behaviour or poor mental health could at times become stressed and overwhelmed needing breaks when there wasn't much time left in the session. Then having to get them back and engaged for the next session.

7.3. Some learners were disinterested from the session as they had already completed their work. Additional tasks were not of interest.

7.4. Learners really preferred at times the peer support they would recieve rather than from myself or the learning support in the classroom

8. Evaluating extension activities

8.1. Certain extension activities like English and maths quizes was well recieved by some learners, the majority didnt have any enthusiasm

8.1.1. Certain extension activities like English and maths quizes was well recieved by some learners, the majority didnt have any enthusiasm

9. Providing more choices of extension acitivies and responsibility

10. Focusing on learners with difficulties and providing them with extension activities that encourage their learning through positive experiences

11. Giving out a range of activities that learners can work independantly on. Tailored worksheets/activities/research opportunities

12. Assign learning support to different students at different stages during the ssession. Remind the learning support to move around and help.

13. Second action step

13.1. Learning support engage well with all learning and encourage to take part. This has increased participation

13.2. Learners with difficulties more have been recieving prease well and increased their attention and answering of questions

13.3. Having all staff aware of extension activities and how they can challenge learners has helped with confidence in their own practice

14. Fact Finding

15. Peer insight

15.1. Simple exercises and activities

15.1.1. Keep short 5 - 10 minutes

15.2. Give a choice of activities and exercises

15.3. Give learner ownership

15.4. Peer support to help other learners

16. Learner engagement

16.1. Fun and interesting

16.2. Keep it short

16.3. Give time to help others

16.4. Relevant for next lesson or current lesson

17. Planning

18. First step

19. Resources

19.1. Quiz cards

19.2. ICT research

19.3. Aims and objectives

20. Personal development

20.1. Developing confidence

20.2. Develop independance

20.3. Develop self-motivation

20.4. Soft skills

20.5. Additional responsibility

21. Academic development

21.1. Develop English skills

21.2. Develop maths

21.3. Embedding maths, ICT, and English into extension activities

21.4. Give learner work that will stretch, e.g level up/harder worksheet

22. Programme relevance

22.1. Extension activity relevant to the programmes needs

22.2. Challenging learners promotes personal development

23. Programme timing

23.1. Plan additional activities that correlate with the different aspects of the programme

23.2. Short extension activities that are easy to embed

23.2.1. Extension activities that can be picked up the following session

23.3. Extension activities that are not stressful and allow learners to gain from

24. Peer observation

24.1. Classroom management

24.2. Use of support staff

24.3. Use of learner-peer support

24.4. Timing of activities

24.4.1. Timings of activities

24.5. Preorganised activities

24.6. Classroom culture - set up an environment where learners can comply with the routine and work independantly

25. Classroom layout

25.1. Environment that allows learners to move around and access computers

25.2. Learners can easily give peer support

25.3. Extension activites located around the room

26. Extension activities

26.1. Research into upcoming project

26.1.1. Finding numbers of organisations, writing a phone script, making phone calls, sending emails

26.2. Look into fundraising

26.2.1. Possible activities, fundraising targets, writing a donation letter

26.3. Self-assessment rating

26.4. Work placement preparation

26.4.1. finding contacts, phone numbers, names of organisations,

26.5. Quizes on English and maths

27. Level 2 peer support

27.1. Support Entry level 3 learners

27.2. Facilitate part of sessions to stretch their learning and understanding

28. Extension - Stretching