Myers Briggs Personality Types

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Myers Briggs Personality Types by Mind Map: Myers Briggs Personality Types

1. How do you prefer to make decisions?

1.1. Based on your values?

1.1.1. You may a "Feeler"

1.2. Based on logic?

1.2.1. You may be a "Thinker"

2. How do you prefer to organize yourself and others?

2.1. A place for everything and everything in its place, I take deadlines seriously?

2.1.1. You may be a "Judger"

2.2. I have my own way of organizing things that may seem disorganized to others, deadlines are really guidelines?

2.2.1. You may be a "Perceiver"

3. How do you prefer to deal with new information?

3.1. Like detail, sometimes miss the big picture?

3.1.1. You may be a "Sensor"

3.2. See the big picture, not so good with details?

3.2.1. You may be an "Intuitive"

4. Where do you prefer to get your energy from?

4.1. Interacting with others?

4.1.1. You may be an "Extrovert"

4.2. Being alone for a while?

4.2.1. You may be an "Introvert"