•1- Agriculture sustainability • 2- Sustainability issues • 3- Human Effects • 4- How To Solve
by andrew mastine
1. 3-. Wu, G., Fanzo, J., Miller, D. D., Pingali, P., Post, M., Steiner, J. L., & Thalacker-Mercer, A. E. (2014). Production and supply of high-quality food protein for human consumption: sustainability, challenges, and innovations. Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences, 1321(1), 1-19. doi:10.1111/nyas.12500 Summary: lack of food causes 7th of population to starve, lack of good food and protein, amount of protein needed to be produced for a year with the rise of greenhouse gases. • 843m ppl lack food • 1b have inadequate prt intk • 206m tons prt /year • Food itk = ghg inc • Imprvd supply chains -
2. 3-. Joachim, H., Crutzen, P. J., Clark, W. C., & Hunt, J. (2005). Earth System Analysis for Sustainability. (Cover story). Environment, 47(8), 10. Summary: Earths depletion, forest decrease , half of all water sources gone , rise of greenhouse gasses , Humans held responsible for toxins , better demand consumption. • Forest dec 20% • 50% all wat source gone • ghg gas inc • Humans respsbl 12 tox subs • Consumption demand mangmnt -
3. 3-. Vos, J., & Boelens, R. (2014). Sustainability Standards and the Water Question. Development & Change, 45(2), 205-230. doi:10.1111/dech.12083 Summary: water quality to decrease in future , less water in arid regions leads to deserts and countries to defend water rights from companies, global water gap. • Wat quality dec futr • Arid rgns (dust) (notg left) • Defending wat rights • Global gap • Global trade = depletion wat
4. 4-De Vito, R., Portoghese, I., Pagano,A., & Fratino, U. (2015). Integrating WFA and Hydrological Modelling For Assessing Sustainability of the Agriculture in a Complex Environmental SYSTEM. Agriculture & Forestry / Poljoprivreda I Sumarstvo, 61(4), 293-300. doi:10.17707/AgricultForest.61.4.35 Summary: • Wat for (crop,Livstk,…) • Pop affect ag demand • Climt affect ag proct • Label wat cosmpt (inc awarns) • Wat footprinting (asses sust)
5. 4. El Chami, D., & El Moujabber, M. (2016). Drought, climate change and sustainability of water in agriculture: A roadmap towards the NWRS2. South African Journal Of Science, 112(9/10), 104-107. doi:10.17159/sajs.2016/20150457 Summary: Being more efficient with eater usage , shorter winters and longer springs ( global warming) quality of water is iffy, leads to usage of other natural ressources. • Ag wat efficy • Witr dec 23% spring inc 13% • Wat qalty worsen • Use of other nat res (air, soil) • Ag lowering wat use -
6. 1- Almeida, D., Peres, R. B., & Figueiredo, A. N. (2016). Rural environmental planning in a family farm: education, extension and sustainability. Ciência Rural, 46(11), 2070-2076. doi:10.1590/0103-8478cr20150926 Summary: Agriculture production decrease, lack of manpower, global warming and water droughts cause agriculturists to switch to higher value crops to save water , causes less irrigation lands but in order to save irrigation lands it is expensive. • Ag switch high value crps ( less wat) • - irrigated land • Irrigation saving= $$ • Ag lack manpwr • Ag production -
7. 1-. Husaini, A. M., & Tuteja, N. (2013). Imperative for achieving the Millenium Development Goals and sustainability of agriculture in the climate change era. GM Crops & Food, 4(1), 1-9. doi:10.4161/gmc.22748 Summary: Agriculture improvement with less pesticides and more productivity, hard time keeping up with growing population, food prices will effect on population, suggestion of biotech crops to produce less ghg • Crop improve (less pesticides, + prdct) • Pop rn = 7b , in 2030=9-10b (pblm) • Food $ up • Biotech crops • 25% ghg from ag
8. 2. Dylan, A. (2012). Rethinking Sustainability on Planet Earth: A Time for New Framings. Electronic Green Journal, 1(34), 1-16. Summary: Issues of our planet (global warming) is threatening our livelihood, environmental concern leads to lack of water and rise of population unable to sustain, due to global warming possible geography change of continents • Envir/concern/warm • Threat to life • Wat/ no mo/warm • increase Ppl/no can sust • Warm/geo of chg -
9. 2. Dinar, A. (2016). Theme Overview: Water Scarcity, Food Production, and Environmental Sustainability-Can Policy Make Sense?. Choices: The Magazine Of Food, Farm & Resource Issues, 31(3), 1-3. Summary: Low water levels causing food production (agriculture) to dip, leads to water trading and water recycling and conservation programs. • watr dec/bad 4 ag • Pop inc • Wat \ trade , wat recyc • Wat consrv prog • 3 ways to consrv -
10. 2. Mendelsohn, R. (2016). Adaptation, Climate Change, Agriculture, and Water. Choices: The Magazine Of Food, Farm & Resource Issues, 31(3), 1-7. Summary: Water scarcity increase due to global warming evaporations, leads to clean water management , agriculture use of 70% of worlds water and leads to recycling agricultural water. • Scarct of wat inc • Climt no help (evap) • B + carfl (cln,mng) • Ag = 70% wat use • Ag reyc wat -