Chemical phenomena

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Chemical phenomena by Mind Map: Chemical phenomena

1. Changing matter: reaction

1.1. Kinetics

1.1.1. Equilibrium

1.2. Energetics

1.2.1. Hess's Law

1.2.2. Enerfy changes

1.3. Organic reactions

1.3.1. Synthesis

1.3.2. Isomerism

1.4. Redox reactions

1.5. Acid-base reactions

2. Properties of matter: materials

2.1. Solubility

2.2. acid-base behaviour

2.2.1. pH

2.2.2. Reactions of acids

2.3. Melting and boiling

2.4. Covalent/ionic character

2.5. Intermolecular forces

2.6. Coloured complexes