Effect of Malay-China Trade Relations During the Malacca Sultanate on the Emergence of Chinese Pe...

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Effect of Malay-China Trade Relations During the Malacca Sultanate on the Emergence of Chinese Peranakan Community により Mind Map: Effect of Malay-China Trade Relations During the Malacca Sultanate on the Emergence of Chinese Peranakan Community

1. China Trade Relations & Malacca

1.1. Ying Chin was sent by Emperor Yung-Lo to Malacca

1.1.1. to establish diplomatic relation

1.1.2. to explore trade opportunities

1.2. Malacca Sultanate seek protection from Ming Dynasty (strong empire)

1.2.1. to face threats from Ayudha

1.3. Zheng He was sent by Ming Dynasty

1.3.1. as special envoy to Asian countries saved Malacca from the threats of Siam

1.4. intermarriage between Chinese merchants with local Malay community

2. History of Chinese Arrival in Malacca

2.1. Malacca attracted traders from China

2.1.1. to carry out commercial activities in the state since Malacca Sultanate

2.2. Emperor of China sent Admiral Yin Ching to visit Malacca in 1403

2.3. Delegation from Malacca government to visit the Emperor of China in 1405 & 1407

2.4. Emperor Yung-Lo sent Zheng He to Malacca as delegation in 1408

2.5. princess Hang Li Po was sent to Malacca by Chinese Emperor

2.5.1. Sultan Mansur Shah had married her

2.5.2. escorts of Hang Li Po were given a place to stay at a hill (Bukit China)

2.6. marriage between Xaquen Darxa (probably Sultan Iskandar) with the daughter of a Chinese leader who accompanied him back to Malacca after visiting China

2.7. Sri Maharaja married the daughter of a Chinese captain

3. Commercial Activities in Malacca

3.1. provide modern infrastructure facilities

3.2. strategically located at the confluence of the South China Sea, the Straits of Malacca & Sunda Straits

3.2.1. make it a port of call for trades from India, China, Arab & so forth

3.3. became an important port in the Malay Archipelago

3.3.1. Malacca was center of the spice trade served as a central collection & marketing place

3.4. emergence of Malacca as a developed country trade

3.4.1. harbor situated in protected zone (safe from threat of the Southwest & Northeast Monsoon) trades from other countries could take refuge in Malacca until the situation was safe for them to continue sailing

3.5. act as receiver or buyer of the goods

3.6. served as mediator to find trades from the East & West

3.7. served as distribution center for goods brought to Malacca to other places in the vicinity

3.8. increase in population

3.8.1. strategic geographical position in the international trade route

3.8.2. efforts of the state government of Malacca prospering with traded diplomatic ties with foreign countries

4. Effect of Commercial Activity Against Chinese Peranakan Community Formation in Malacca

4.1. the earliest Chinese settlers who came to Malacca to carry out commercial activities

4.1.1. believed to be the ancestors of the Chinese Peranakan community in Malacca

4.2. mixed marriage between Malays & Chinese in the days of the Malacca Sultanate since 500 years ago

4.3. Cheng Hoon Teng Temples was built in 1673

4.4. Chinese immigrants who settled in Malacca since the 15th century are the ancestors of the Chinese Peranakan Community